Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] had [vb pp] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He was the first to admit that he had been psychologically screwed-up when he joined them after eleven years with the elite American anti-terrorist squad , Delta — a state of mind that had come about as a result of his last Delta mission .
2 This had been carried out inside the health department and had come up with findings that were easily predictable .
3 So a rumour grew up that perhaps , at the last minute , he had jumped up and caught hold of part of the car and had clambered on to it somehow .
4 I saw an open shed stacked with timber , graded according to its thickness , and then , as we turned the flint gable , there was Laura crouched before the kiln in a muddle of faggots and fire-irons , her rump in the air , legs bare beneath the sawn-off fringes of her denim shorts , wearing a blue-grey sleeveless T-shirt that had ridden up around her waist .
5 And now this dark story that had leaked out of Scotland earlier this year of the death of the duke of Rothesay — the husband of Douglas 's own sister , and the brother of his wife , doubly close kin to him !
6 Tossing this first layer of skin aside , he attempted to burrow deeper , only to discover yet more skin , though whether this was the outer skin that had slithered back through his advancing fingers , or a whole new layer was not apparent , but it was pretty clear that finding her windpipe , let alone getting hands round it and squeezing it , was a two-person job .
7 Vember , that legendary classic of the Rock and Ice years ; Vember , the route that had scoffed out at him from the pages of Hard Rock with the ultimate aura of impregnability ; Vember — probably the only E1 , 5b pitch he would ever lead ; Vember , oh no — he would never forget !
8 But with part of her mind — the part that had stood back from their embrace — she was dimly aware that she had almost wanted to believe the worst .
9 It was the end of a trail which had had its beginnings in those first rumblings of Henry Fairlie against the Establishment and Malcolm Muggeridge against the Monarchy ; a trail that had led on through the Angry Young Men and all the resentments sown by Suez , through the heyday of affluence , through all the mounting impatience with convention , tradition and authority that had been marked by the teenage revolution and the CND and the New Morality , through the darkening landscape of security scandals and What 's Wrong With Britain and the rising aggression and bitterness of the satirists , in ever more violent momentum .
10 A genre that had grown out of the need for sensationalism did seem to be striking chords at a time of economic insecurity when cities seemed places of dislocation and when , if nothing else , there was a curiosity about how law-breakers operated .
11 The empiricism that had come out of the 19th century as the dominant intellectual mode had been twisted to the right , so to speak , by the ‘ white emigration ’ from Europe .
12 Soon after the war ended it trebled its student members when the Ministry of Education issued grants to ex-servicemen in an attempt to prevent a recurrence of the disillusionment that had set in after the First World War .
13 And she might have accepted that but for the wry flicker in the eyes of the reflection that had looked back at her from the bathroom mirror .
14 ‘ We can go back to Rose Cottage , always supposing Pook s Common is still where we left it , and I 'll make coffee , ’ she offered , aware that she should contribute to the peace that had broken out between them .
15 The defence counsel , Robert Anthony , said that McCormack was not a drinker and had acted out of character after consuming alcohol that night .
16 Later , they had returned on sailboards , taking advantage of the breeze that had sprung up around lunchtime .
17 Because we had people coming into the town that had come out of rooms one and two rooms in Har , in wherever they came from to Harlow and there were so many things that they required for their home that they could n't afford to have big families and pay their way .
18 Macmillan was not unaware of the stresses and strains that Sandys ' Reformation had caused in Whitehall ; nor of the lack of confidence that had grown up between Sandys and his principal advisers , the Chiefs of Staff .
19 In his memoirs the former president writes , ‘ At the beginning of my second term , Congress , the bureaucracy and the media were still working in concert to maintain the ideas and ideology of the traditional Eastern liberal establishment that had come down to 1973 through the New Deal , the New Frontier , and the Great Society . ’
20 Laughter seemed to break down some of the barrier of embarrassment that had built up between them and when Carrie lit two candles she handed one to Seb and said , ‘ Good night , Seb .
21 ‘ Well , Ian , ’ he said , stroking the beard as if it were a favourite pet that had curled up on his chin , ‘ I think we have established incontrovertibly that you are an eidetiker of sorts .
22 He and Charlotte had grown tired of the undertaking business and had set off to London to start a new life — with all the money from Mr Sowerberry 's shop in their pockets .
23 The court was told she had ignored a Give Way sign at a junction and had driven on to the main road at about 40 mph .
24 In that time , its geography had changed little , the only difference being that more and more houses had squeezed themselves on to the mound of detritus that had built up over generations to form the hill on which the city squatted , above the highest level of flood the river could attain .
25 What happened to all these girlfriends and this person that had phoned up on Stephen phoned up er it 's Wednesday right , and Stephen phoned up Tuesday and twenty five to eleven and says can I talk to Stephen , says hang on a minute who is it ?
26 He had come from a bulk tanker that had tied up in the oil terminal in Kuwait harbour , thanked the Master who had allowed him to work his passage from the port of Perth , and gone ashore .
27 The duchess , recalling her own upbringing amidst a lively brood of brothers and sisters , recognized this , and was gratified by the devotion and closeness that had grown up between the girls .
28 For Philip said that board , thick papers , " something , should be put under the tank to raise it , because of some tricky protruding pipes , and Jasper , seeing the stacks of newspaper that had come down from the attic , swiftly gathered them up and built them , while he knelt there beside it , into an eighteen-inch-high platform .
29 Right off the bat Dan agreed , detailing this as the one criticism that had come back from American TriAxis users .
30 Instead , he concentrated on a bit of good news that had come out of the Munich mess .
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