Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] his [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Although the examiner appointed by the court may submit a report which accompanies the deposition , this is merely intended to give him the opportunity of recording facts , including incidents during the examination ( for example , that the witnesses fainted or rose up and tried to assault cross-examining counsel ) ; the examiner can not indicate his opinion as to the credibility of the witness or his own impressions of the witness 's demeanour .
2 This analysis may also help to assess the extent to which the central contradiction in Anderson 's character , his apparently greater interest in football than his academic field of ethics , displays itself in conversation .
3 I wish to express my gratitude to Simon Rattle and his remarkable orchestra in Birmingham for providing what has been a wonderful new musical experience for me .
4 IN spite of his determined flippancy and his furious pursuit of the passing attraction , Minton could not disguise his underlying seriousness nor the depth of his cultivation .
5 Billy was still slouched in the corner with his left leg stretched across the seat and his right arm around Mary 's neck .
6 He concentrated upon the doctor 's neat , white shirt , his thin , anxious neck and his general air of having just surfaced from some particularly nasty branch of the Inland Revenue .
7 Full of youthful optimism and his consuming interest in debt , he continued reading and applying for jobs .
8 He was happiest in old clothes , with a pipe in his mouth and his much-loved wife at his side , gardening , tending trees , reading , or playing with his model railway , at Briglands , the house at Rumbling Bridge designed for his father by Sir Robert Lorimer [ q.v . ] .
9 Roger , who said he was abused from the age of four and saw his mother Virginia regularly beaten , told of his two years in prison for selling cocaine and his former addiction to the drug .
10 Drawing upon this European research and his own observations in the United States , the American diplomat George Perkins Marsh ( 1801–82 ) wrote his Man and Nature of 1864 to warn of the dangers .
11 Later in life he compared his own feelings at the two ordinations to be a deacon and a priest and his later consecration to be a bishop .
12 Unbathed and weary from the bake of the sun and the refreshment of cool water , I am delicious with the skag inside my chest and the sweet , smoky aroma surrounding me , and the touch of my lover and his hot arms about my waist , and his
13 If the matter is one the direct outcome of which may be trial of the applicant and his possible punishment for an alleged offence by a court claiming jurisdiction to do so , the matter is criminal .
14 Since the Prime Minister acknowledges convergence to be a matter of considerable importance in the development of the European Community , why is it , now that the Engineering Employers Federation , the Confederation of British Industry and his noble Friends in the House of Lords have all made cause for new investment incentives for British industry , that he and the remainder of the Government refuse to take such initiatives in order to support this very best way of securing recovery ?
15 Nevertheless , Balcon seriously overestimated the confidence of the company 's boss , Louis B. Mayer , in British talent and his new head of production .
16 Pleydell and his small group of medical orderlies carried out a number of quite complicated operations whilst crouching under bushes and being machine-gunned from the air .
17 There was shock and alarm around the world over Shevardnadze 's announcement , his apparent desertion from Gorbachev 's side and his impending departure from the international diplomatic scene , where he was well-known and respected .
18 Thus Emerson 's career breaks into three parts : his years as a champion and at the top of the FI drivers ' hit parade , his years as an unhappy and frustrated team-manager and his last years as an itinerant driver in search of a lost career .
19 The Middlesbrough businessman cited work commitments and the need for a clean break as his main reasons for deciding to call it quits after three years at the helm .
20 In accordance with certain theoretical considerations and after some empirical experimentation , Barro obtained the following fairly complex equation as his best estimate of the process determining the annual rate of growth of the quantity of money over the period 1941–73 : where is the rate of growth of the quantity of money predicted by the process shown in equation ( 6.7 ) to occur in period t , and is the actual rate of growth of the quantity of money in period t - i .
21 As he describes himself he had been , during the nineties at Cambridge and afterwards , a rather worldly , flippant creature , erm but after this experience something changed within him , and he says , and I suppose , I think we must believe that it is true , that it was on account of this sort of moral mystical experience that his whole attitude to the world was changed , and he was provided with the peculiar moral strength to fight the battles , as he later did fight , against war and other such things .
22 Lawrence remained too preoccupied with what in his adjusted mind he projected , disavowed , or consciously repudiated ; homosexuality especially remained too fascinating for either his strenuous vision of psychic adjustment or his banal view of sexual difference as unity in opposition to remain unharassed by it .
23 It is significant of Joseph 's attitude that his legal code of 1787 declared that henceforth all offences were against the State and must therefore be prosecuted even if there were no individual victim willing to begin legal proceedings .
24 To a revision of the poem published in 1803 he added the lines , ‘ Methinks , it should have been impossible/Not to love all things in a World like this ’ , his words seeming to carry the weight of his later regret that his unclouded times with Sara were so quickly over .
25 Indeed the first part of the book is by far the more revealing since his recent conquests are so much more celebrated than are the tales of his friendship form an early age with John Emburey , his innings of 87 at the age of 18 for the Ilford 1stXI against Trevor Bailey 's Westcliff and his early days with Essex when he would arrive at 2nd XI matches on a moped , his cricket bag strapped to his back .
26 Formative influences here were his happy marriage and his staunch commitment to his Catholic faith .
27 The spontaneous friendliness of the Guard and his helpful care of his passengers .
28 As he passed quickly in front of the flame , Tallis got the hint of scratches on his body , and she imagined he had run through the tight thorn scrub between the village and his purloined domain upon the hill .
29 The exceptionally high quality of his work and his strong interest in conservation and historic work practices led to his nomination for the Fellowship .
30 His return and his subsequent appointment in September 1989 as special envoy to the UN , was interpreted as evidence of growing political reconciliation [ for developments following establishment of UMNO ( Baru ) see pp. 36555-56 ] .
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