Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] she [vb past] at the " in BNC.

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1 One more guilty secret that Maggie felt obliged to keep from everyone was the deep fear and disgust that she felt at the thought of sexuality .
2 They ate with a shared teaspoon out of the tin and she looked at the sardines and condensed milk now exposed between John Donne and Rosa Luxemburg .
3 Caroline 's voice was an appalled croak as she stared at the new arrival .
4 As usual , he was at his desk before she arrived at the office , and , as always , she felt that brief but undeniable shock of pleasure at seeing him .
5 Emma Southworth went with two of her workmates to classes every evening after she finished at the mill .
6 Lydia looked at the picture before she looked at the signature .
7 Constance was startled by Miss Hatherby 's appearance when she arrived at the Hall .
8 The relief was great , and she sat massaging her toes for a minute while she looked at the collection of dirty underwear strewn over her genuine-colonial bedroom , and shuddered .
9 Her deeply lined face was creased into a smile as she gazed at the tiny ear in her hand .
10 Well , that makes two of us , Hilary thought with a little smile as she sat at the table .
11 met his wife when she worked at the maltings during the war and they were married in 1948 .
12 They stopped talking when Groa entered , and she could feel their eyes on her back as she stood at the window , watching .
13 She yelped and squealed , working her voice to a crescendo as she bawled at the top of her voice .
14 Now Sam looked at his wife as she stood at the end of the long , dark-panelled bedroom , her back to the window , beyond which olive trees rustled in a hot breeze .
15 The pensioner , who needed sedation when she arrived at the Countess of Chester hospital , is still not well enough to be fully interviewed by police .
16 The words stuck in Folly 's mind , coming back to her next morning as she sat at the Rose Bowl 's work-table , preparing roses for conditioning by crushing the tips of their stems with a heavy mallet .
17 She called again , moving out through the gate until she stood at the top of the lower garden that sloped down to the bay .
18 ‘ I looked at the grandmother and she pointed at the baby .
19 She stood in a large yard with a glass of white wine in her hand and it spilt down the front of her red dress when she jumped at the banging noise of a firework .
20 In desperation she slammed the stop-cock open and precious oxygen knifed outwards in an icy cloud that she aimed at the farthest point .
21 Mum would have none of this : she was not going to do other people 's dirty washing and she stayed at the fish shop all the war years .
22 He watched her tuck an unruly lock of hair behind her ear as she knelt at the hearth , and was pelted with a score of remembered images .
23 Ilse Huber recognized him at once from his file photo as she stood at the barrier beside the security police .
24 All the same , she could feel butterflies in her stomach when she arrived at the imposing entrance to Puddephat 's college at twelve .
25 Hazel Thorpe passed her last milestone with the Company when she retired at the end of July .
26 Now that he considered it , Turakina 's expression when she stared at the offworlder was exactly like the one Alexai used when he was looking at Burun .
27 ‘ Our King John ? ’ she asked in surprise as she stared at the ruined fort that overlooked the lough .
28 Her face reflecting her disgust , and horror as she stared at the other woman , Ellie turned to glance at Feargal to see how he might be taking this insulting piece of arrant mischief-making , and was astonished to see that he looked not angry , but almost sad .
29 Julia was so far out of her usual self-control that she whimpered at the prick of the needle .
30 Obviously , at the end of her service , she was too old for breeding and stayed with her handler until she died at the age of sixteen .
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