Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] be [verb] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 The park authority itself has few powers over agricultural change — control of the largest and a few other farm buildings but little else — and must operate by giving counter advice and offering compensation to the Farmer who proposes an action that is seen to be damaging .
2 Moreover , the economic cleavage that was perceived to be developing in this society did appear to correspond to the religious tensions that were generating party strife , and to anxious High Church Tories seemed to be yet another part of the process whereby Dissenters were thriving in the changed political climate after the Revolution at the expense of the Anglican interest .
3 This is done so that the formulae will still be correct when you copy from F5 to every other cell that is going to be required .
4 It was apparent from that day that he had a natural talent that was waiting to be developed .
5 Meanwhile — and here is a term that is proving to be particularly confusing — we have had a veritable flurry of activity in the area , or more precisely areas , designated as ‘ information management ’ .
6 Similarly , an instrument that is expressed to be " supplemental " to a previous instrument is construed as if the supplemental instrument contained a full recital of the previous instrument ( Law of Property Act 1925 , s58 ) .
7 We wanted to build a pyramid that was going to be slightly bigger than the biggest pyramid in Egypt .
8 Sikhism is a comparatively new religion and is meant to be a religion of reform which rejects both the caste system and the oppression of women .
9 If , for example , a GEMM has acquired an unusually large amount of a particular stock and is known to be keen to sell , other market makers may cut dealing prices ; conversely , if a GEMM is known to want to buy large amounts of stock , other market makers may raise prices .
10 A medical history , electrocardiograph , blood pressure , and standard laboratory findings were obtained before the experiment and were found to be negative or normal Haematocrit was also obtained 24 hours after the experiment .
11 The fire , at Cragside , was in a first floor bedroom and was believed to be caused by electrical equipment overheating .
12 A while later Pip is told he has a mysterious benefactor and is going to be very well off , by a London Lawyer , Jaggers .
13 The team is to be lead by Dr. Boris Babaian of the Russian Academy of Science , inventor of the Elbrus-3 supercomputer which was developed for the Soviet space programme and is reported to be three times faster than a Cray Y-MP .
14 De Maizière denied signing up with the Stasi , delivering information or receiving gifts or money ; his " only contacts " , he said , " came from my duties as a lawyer and were directed to being useful " to his clients .
15 In the west , however , the acupuncture meridians and their accompanying acupuncture points were viewed with great scepticism and were considered to be merely figments of the imagination .
16 Each sub-unit is assumed to behave like an entropy spring and is expected to be large enough to realize a Gaussian distribution of segments ( i.e.> 50 carbon atoms ) .
17 This handbook now nears completion and is scheduled to be launched at a one-day conference on Health & safety organised by the NAFD .
18 Owen 's own first chosen vehicle , the co-operative community , had become an irrelevance and was seen to be impracticable .
19 His sister , Moira Coles , 34 , of Mapperley , Nottingham , admitted her part in the conspiracy but was said to be a small cog in the operation .
20 But , Peter Edwards asks , are we approaching a customer relationship from a strait-jacket that is seen to be contrived and without spontaneity ?
21 An exceptionally attractive pub , it 's housed Tardis-like in a cottage that 's said to be Leyburn 's oldest building .
22 I 've got nothing against keyboards , in fact I love keyboard music , but if you want to play guitar you should buy a guitar that was made to be played like a guitar .
23 A 40-lb mushroom that was going to be dried and stored at a US university as an educational specimen was instead sauteed in butter and eaten by three scientists .
24 Do you yet know at what level that 's going to be organised ?
25 At the far end of Semer Water is a ruined building that is said to be the dwelling place of the charitable old couple .
26 Cyclosporine is an immunosuppressive drug that was found to be of benefit in a recent double blind study in Crohn 's disease and in an open study conducted in ulcerative colitis .
27 So I think there 's a change in the amount of work that 's going to be required in our society .
28 Can I just make the point of clarification in what said there , that as far as staffing additional works spread through for example we are assuming that staff costs are within the figures you are looking at and the the work that was referring to was was after you made your decision to will need to take some element of that cost into the start of the budget there is no staff figures that would occur after you 've formalised this budget we are not aware of so there there will be .
29 And I was very worried because the lady that was going to be paying for the job was just down there and if we were n't careful we were going to kill her with the wardrobe .
30 I was the person who was supposed to go to every city before David got there to make sure that everything was in order , that the hall that was going to be performed in had all the facilities that were required — and the hotels — I had to check all of that .
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