Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] he have [vb pp] on " in BNC.

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1 The next year Meehan wrote to Beltrami that he had heard on the prison grapevine that Waddell 's accomplice at Ayr was a well-known Glasgow villain named William ( ‘ Tank ’ ) McGuinness , a vicious little man with a long record that included violence .
2 The walk meant he would be able to claim in future that he had promenaded on the Promenade des Anglais .
3 He bent down and picked up a carrier that he 'd lain on the floor .
4 Marcus had shattered that soft innocence when he had turned on her like a rabid dog , snapping , destroying , infecting …
5 Instead of returning to the dressing-room to change as she normally did , she made her way through the backstage area back into the club , determined that he should n't simply disappear without trace as he 'd done on the previous evenings .
6 In the bay-windowed room Forester locked the door behind him and closed all the curtains before turning to the rod case that he 'd laid on the bed .
7 A woolly-jumpered Colin Wilson was photographed for the press in his Notting Hill bedsit and under the tree in Hampstead Heath where he had worked on his best-seller The Outsider , a paean to the existential rebel Wilson wished to be .
8 ‘ Think yourselves lucky , ’ Kadan observed as he dumped the bedding and equipment that he had scavenged on their behalf on the grass and began to sort it into piles .
9 The icebox was packed with beer and he 'd prepared a lobster salad that he 'd left on ice .
10 Ah but unlike me , him , I was a raw recruit whilst he had experienced County Council and he had worked on both sides of the Council Chamber as a as a Government Officer , I believe , and er County Councillor .
11 Posts with the Trade Union Congress include regional branch chairman and he has served on the national executive .
12 And , as soon as she had paid the driver and he had gone on his way she stood for some moments , looking at Ven 's house , photographing it in her mind 's eye because she knew — she would never come this way again .
13 His mother had been singing with a company playing in a northern seaside town and he had lain on his bed in the boarding house , biting his nails , sunk under a terrible inertia .
14 She had relaxed her hard grip on life in this beautiful , tranquil place and he had swooped on her — unforgivably .
15 Well , I waited up until three o'clock in the morning and he crawled in with footmarks all over his nice new suit where he 'd fallen on the floor and let everybody trample over him , blood pouring down his shirt from a head wound , a balloon tied round his neck and a paper hat on .
16 As he waited for the executioner , he was dressed in the blue suit that he had worn on his last public appearance .
17 Charles could have chosen any excuse for the phone call and it was pure chance that he had lighted on the meaningless ‘ numberplate racket ’ I ‘ So that 's what made you drive down in the Datsun , and move the plan forward , and lose a quarter of a million pounds ? ’
18 Terry Yorath , the Wales manager , is delaying his selection until he has checked on the fitness of Barry Horne , the Southampton midfielder , who has had a knee injury .
19 The police had shot the man in the head after he had fired on Police a number of times as they chased him .
20 He had been sitting on the cart since early morning and all he had to show for scouring the streets was an old tin bath that he had found on some wasteground , a couple of sacks of rags and one or two pieces of old iron .
21 The can of soup that he 'd left on top of the flame was starting to bubble when he got back .
22 Michel de Montaigne was so convinced of the importance of contradictoriness that he had emblazoned on the domed ceiling of his library the motto : ‘ To Every Reason an Equal Reason can be opposed ’ .
23 As laid down in the will that he had made on 29 April 1696 , revising an earlier one dated 13 July 1685 , in which his wife had been named as his sole heir , Howard 's estates were inherited by his only surviving child , Henry Charles Howard ( born 18 October 1668 ) ; from him they descended to his son , Charles Howard [ q.v. ] , who became tenth Duke of Norfolk in 1777 .
24 The closest he came to exercise was to open one eye every so often , if someone entered the room , or to open both eyes , smile , and wag his tail as he 'd done on one occasion when confronted by a housebreaker !
25 Does the Secretary of State accept that the answer that he has given on paying the guaranteed minimum pension to the Maxwell pensioners is wholly inadequate ?
26 In a related development , Unionist leaders called for Brooke 's resignation after he had appeared on a television chat show in Dublin , Ireland , and given an impromptu rendering of a folksong , shortly after the Teebane bombing .
27 Chambers accepted with as little formality as he had shown on coming in .
28 And he 'd drawn and coloured the cross that he 'd seen on his mother 's bed .
29 Sir Hilary " Hal " Miller , a senior Conservative MP , told the House that he had acted on behalf of WS during the past few years , and had warned the DTI , the Defence Ministry and an unidentified " third agency " on a number of occasions about suspicious Iraqi orders .
30 The hon. Gentleman is so distinguished that it may be some time since he has sat on a Standing Committee .
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