Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] he [modal v] come [adv] " in BNC.

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1 His personal score stood at seven which made him an ace and then came that morning of ferocious winds and driving snow when he 'd come in at four hundred feet , flying blind , lost his engine at the last moment and crash-landed .
2 I think he slept in that loft when he used to come here .
3 To her shame , she 'd postponed her departure to Bordeaux until the last possible moment , hanging round Les Hiboux , hoping against hope that he would come there to find her — to say a formal goodbye at least , even if she could hope for nothing else , she 'd thought achingly .
4 It was really very hard work and he used to come back absolutely smothered in coal dust , very dirty .
5 The only disadvantage of the job that he could come up with was the ‘ vulture capitalist ’ image with which he is clearly uncomfortable .
6 Bring on Frank — give Deano a couple of games on the bench and he might come back looking a little sharper .
7 He subsequently er went to work at the Berlick in latter years and , and this man was just sweeping-up at the Berlick and I could n't believe it cos he was so high up in the technology in the war and he 'd be a dental mechanic and he 'd come down to just being a sweeper-up , and he used to show me the pay packets he 'd got in the war and you know it was fantastic money even , even by today 's standards this is going back fifteen years
8 When I told him it was only for children who had something wrong with them , he said he was going to try to break his leg so he could come along ! ’
9 Ask an insurance man and he will come up with a catalogue of reasons why his company is losing millions on car insurance .
10 Once a Met Officer remarked cheerfully to me ( from the warmth and light of the office ) , that the rats were much more frightened of me than I was of them , but I noticed that he did n't take me up on my suggestion that he should come out with me and see for himself .
11 His mouth was dry again , last week Conker had shied at a gorse bush and he 'd come off .
12 you see , and he was , he , he probably brought me into the world , you see but , er you see , and Mrs erm , you see , she was married to Doctor and he used to come up to see my father and we had a different door then door being that 's got a yale lock on now but he he 'd say , hello Frank , you know always so you got , oh he was so nice and it was such a shame that he died
13 In fact , I very much doubt that he 'll come back in a party mood . ’
14 Partly on that score , and partly against the possibility that he might come back between now and South Africa in 1995 , the players would want McGeechan as one of the quintet .
15 If you 've got any doubts get in touch with your local fire safety officer and he will come along and er waylay any problems that you may have and he will indeed er give you the best of advice that 's available .
16 It was the first time that he 'd come anywhere near to making a personal remark , and she had already concluded that she did n't register with him as a person , only as his assistant , sexless and insignificant .
17 Clock that it 's a left-hand drive , and therefore perhaps give a little bit more consideration to that driver and anticipate the fact that he might come out .
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