Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] he [verb] [adv] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 He went down to his car and down to his company stock and he says now what the money 's due to me you 'll get them in the post .
2 If he loses the trail , he turns and flies across the wind until he picks up her scent again .
3 His face twisted in a grimace of pain or pure disgust and he threw away his cigarette and buried his head in his arms .
4 But the house creaked her floor boards and rattled her windows , moaning with the wind till he picked up his bum and fled into the night shaking with fear as he imagined ghosts .
5 As long as he believes you 're on his side while he acts out his fantasy , he wo n't harm you .
6 She saw his penis as he pulled down his pants , then closed her eyes .
7 ‘ I saw you lasht night an' … ’ he began to sing a romantic song from our courting days , but was cut off in mid warble as he tripped over my hiking boots and crashed into the wardrobe head first .
8 The faint waft of the regiment of unwashed drifted down the carriage as he carried on his harangue , vouchsafing the information that his wife had divorced him , not the other way round .
9 As the weeks passed she became accustomed to seeing Luke already at his desk when she arrived , immaculately suited , his dark head , with that one dramatic streak of white hair , perfectly groomed , his long , square-tipped fingers idly toying with a gold fountain-pen as he frowned over his mail .
10 He tried to imagine Matthew 's state of mind when he gathered up his wife 's things and stashed them away .
11 She had no idea why she felt a twinge of disappointment when he took off her blindfold , and partially unbound her .
12 In fact he was due to become President when he took up his post with the SCU .
13 And I must have been in a really funny mood , and I said yes we have it 's on the till and he went well I suggest you get them in the windows then !
14 I hoped he 'd leave her in peace but he knows when he 's on to a good thing . ’
15 But the talented Keane , who plays for the Republic of Ireland against Spain in Seville tomorrow , will put the negotiations on ice while he weighs up his options .
16 so fortunately I was at home before he did so I thought we 'll have something quick then , just had a roll , you know , and I thought well I , i it 's not worth worrying about it and sort of
17 More tears rolled onto the sand as he remembered how his father had dropped the bundle and run away across the farm , never to be seen again … .
18 She had a sudden vision of her father 's face if he found David Markham on his doorstep and the ensuing battle when he found out what his proposals were .
19 In his next , next work when he leaves here he 's going to be the Fire Service at the Houses of Parliament , and I 'm serious , that will be one of his first major jobs .
20 Benjamin rose and , slipping his arm through mine , led me back to the garden , teasing me into a good mood as he explained how he had found Waldegrave drunk as a lord and insensible as a rock in a corner of his opulent chapel .
21 His campaign headquarters in a Brynmawr back street echoed with his laughter as he spelt out his tactics .
22 they want somebody to go down so we could have but a bit but , mum cos he said well you 'll have to wait a while !
23 And there was silence for a quarter of an hour until he picked up his watch , and put the sketch back on the table .
24 Suddenly , while driving reverently along , a thought occurred to Peter M. and he threw back his head and roared with laughter .
25 There were , in fact , two to choose from , but it was Neckar Island that took Branson 's eye as he circled above it .
26 Nephew of John Moores , founder of the Littlewoods pools empire , he had had little to do with the business when he found suddenly himself in line to the throne .
27 I have been an avid reader since nursery school , and so find it very difficult to understand my headmaster husband when he dawdles over anything except travel brochures and restaurant menus !
28 He said no and I 'm getting worried now he said me , my wife works full time and we could cope on the money but he said now we do n't go out .
29 Capel was the captain on this day and he ordered up his brother to take the important penalty kick .
30 Mind , when I give 'im the wallet and 'e looked inside it , 'e was a mite more pleasant , even if I could n't see nothing but 'is mince pies and 'is 'ooter .
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