Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] i [verb] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was with this in mind that I came joyously across the story of Stephen Eastham this week .
2 Mr. Walker : I do not blame the Hon. Gentleman for making such a speech just before a by-election , but I am glad to tell him that tomorrow I shall go through every detail of the valleys programme and I look forward to the Labour party 's publishing beside each item what the Labour Government achieved in their last five years .
3 so that they are fully trained and ready to handle the problems that might arise erm there is , however , cause for some er optimism and I refer specifically to the recreational page from the Estuaries Consultation Document from English Nature and in one of their er proposals and objectives they say encouraging self regulation and observance of Code of Practice by local clubs and groups to avoid clon conflict with and or disturbance to other users including nature conservation interests .
4 You know given that life is as it is are you okay and he said yes so I went round the gardens and I came back to him and I had a friend coming for lunch and I thought this is ridiculous , I 'm going to have something to drink and I 'm going to have a meal so I made him an enormous great wad of cheese sandwiches and some apples and a piece of cake and some biscuits and a cup of tea and I went downstairs with the milk and the sugar and cup of tea and all this stuff and I went into the gardens and this poor child he looked very defensively a second time and I said well I thought you might like some breakfast and I wrapped the second lot up so if you 've nothing later on , why not put it in your pocket and eat later in the day and I did n't know whether you took milk or sugar , so I thought I 'd better just ask you and do you know I thought he was going to cry .
5 ‘ My fault and I feel badly about it .
6 My lover and I lived together for eight years and then when we got rid of the greengrocer 's shop , he ‘ went back to mother ’ .
7 I took it into to make it bigger , right , it was mum 's , so they said well we 've got to put valuation on it to send it away , so I said well I have n't got a clue , so they wrote down a thousand pound and I thought never in all this world .
8 I 've been bald from a very early age , but I happen to be in the hairdressing industry and I travel all over the world teaching .
9 ‘ The Faskally boatman brought me across the foot of the loch and I came straight over the hill to the Brig of Grandtully . ’
10 There was a moment when I was convinced I was going to die but at last a long wailing respiration came to my aid and I struggled painfully into a sitting position .
11 My precious work , my mainstay that I carried everywhere with me — even into hospital — was about to be taken away .
12 It was through ‘ direction ’ from an Anglican monk that I learnt more about spiritual warfare and the mysteries of pain in intercession .
13 IT MAY surprise readers of this column that I have never in my life voted Conservative at a general election .
14 Well I was n't married but I used to go in there and I used to come home er say in Winter if I come home for a w week or two , I go in there , and sit by the fire and have a yard .
15 I have no commercial gallery and I sell only through commissions and the Royal Academy ; moreover having always had a teaching job , I have no real need to sell .
16 Yeah and we wound , re-wound the tape and er looked for the number and it 's the same number , I 've done it three times and I got this other bloke and I went right through it once and it says
17 He could not put them to the Committee and I look forward to seeing whether they can be put forward tonight .
18 But these hot summer nights lend themselves better to cold lager and I felt more at ease with the Schonbrau Original Premium Pilsener lager , very dry and good value at £3.99 for four cans .
19 But these hot summer nights lend themselves better to cold lager and I felt more at ease with the Original Premium Pilsener lager , very dry and good value at £3.99 for four cans .
20 Thank you again for your help and I look forward to seeing you on 13 June .
21 The last pitch was a real sting in the tail , but the perplexing moves up a short crack in a wall soon succumbed to brute force and determination and I swung exultantly over a final bulge on the monstrous , weathered holds to sit satiated on the plateau , soaking up the sun until Alec pulled over , grinning with triumph .
22 When they were well out of the way we made tracks for home and I looked forward to a quiet evening .
23 I refused to have a mastectomy and I see now in terms of theory , that I was stagemanaged at various points on the production line , into trying to turn me into a well-behaved patient by traumatising me by saying ‘ If you do n't do what we tell you … ’ or ‘ You 're being very naughty ’ or ‘ You 're being hysterical ’ , or ‘ We have n't got time to deal with all these questions , we 'd never get round ’ , and so on .
24 I hated being on social security and I tried everywhere for a job .
25 After work the same evening , my husband and I walked all over the golf course and were eventually rewarded by spotting the dog in the distance , although we failed to coax her towards us .
26 MY husband and I arrived home in Dumfriesshire , after a memorable and highly emotional weekend in dear old Liverpool .
27 Suzie and I ease away from each other .
28 I was going to tell him what he could do with his job but I thought better of it an' I took my cards all polite like .
29 Oh well we 've been walking when we 've gone into town but I mean just between you and me but when I got home Bev said pop into town I 've got a parcel to post and I said well I ca n't I said because according to Des well nothing happened
30 I am an elected representative of the people of Northern Ireland , three thousand three hundred of our people have been murdered , that 's the equivalent of a hundred thousand people in Britain , it is the responsibility of every elected representative to do everything in their power , everything in their power , to stop that , The least responsibility that they have , the least they can do , is enter into dialogue directly with the people involved and I apologize to no-one for that , and if anybody is telling me that I 'm tainted because I do that , you know , I do n't know what sort of minds they 've got , because I think it 's our responsibility to do everything in our power to bring this violence to an end , and what 's more , what I 'm doing has massive support of ordinary people on both sections of our community because I have never in my twenty years experienced the nature of the support and the way that it 's being expressed to me by people in the streets , by telephone , and in particular by
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