Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] have only just [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The group found themselves part of a movement called ‘ Shambling ’ , which was largely a reaction to the po-faced stance of goth that had only just entered its coffin .
2 He was nineteen years of age and had only just qualified to receive the King 's shilling ; but now he was a couple of inches taller , shaved and had even come near to losing his virginity .
3 They went to give emergency help during the height of the oilspill disaster and have only just returned after setting up an animal hospital .
4 We allowed our gaze to wander south until it lighted upon the bulk of Ancohuma 's eastern slopes , a face we knew nothing of on a mountain that had only just entered our lives .
5 Anyway that thought decided me to make for the bedroom but I was late starting and had only just reached the top of the stairs when he was half-way up with the big brown teapot held in his pelting position .
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