Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [ex0] [be] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 There is no more agreement about what is a good lecture than there is about good music .
2 I learned from that outing that there is in top-level racing , as well as intelligence , a physical dimension which is vastly important .
3 President of er has warned that there could be a real and serious civil war and the conflict that there is between Armenian people and Azerbaijan , I 'm not sure that I understand it , but I suppose it has some similarities to so many other conflicts we see around the world , Northern Ireland , er Yugoslavia , just , it goes back hundreds of years and .
4 The three types of systems which are distinguished are isolated systems which have boundaries which are closed to the import and export of both mass and energy ; open systems where there is exchange of both matter and energy between the system and its environment , such as clouds ; and closed systems in which there is no exchange of matter between the system and its environment though there is in general an exchange of energy .
5 There is no reinstatement of the Sum Insured required in Marine insurance as there is in other classes of business e.g. fire .
6 There are also no ligatures to confuse the start of the letter as there are in other letter positions .
7 Historically , in the West , the idea that there is in human nature some intrinsic element or principle which drives human beings to commit damaging and destructive actions is of considerable antiquity and is deeply embedded in the Judaeo-Christian tradition of innate sinfulness .
8 Among Indians and Pakistanis , they told me rather severely , there is no class system as there is among English people .
9 Although most of these are CGLI craft courses , as there is not the same clear-cut distinction between craft and technician functions in agriculture as there is in other industries , many of the Institute 's schemes straddle the craft-technician boundary .
10 But in the UK there is also as much if not more local and regional co-ordination as there is at national level .
11 Furthermore , there is a much wider and more flexible gap between the two toes of the mountain goat than there is in other ungulates .
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