Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [vb -s] [pron] [vb infin] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Well there must be another force that makes them see them things must n't there ?
2 At least in the post-Gazza era in which we now find ourselves , several soldiers have admitted to a level of fear that makes them cry their eyes out .
3 He 's honest to a fault and makes me feel I 'm greatly loved .
4 Yeah I 'm afraid so , I think it 's compounded by the fact that your , what your dad says sums it up beautifully about your mum , I was talking to him about , you know , what does she , what she 's got in her life other than what she ever had other than a home , working and so on , has she got any hobbies at home or does she do anything is there anything that takes her mind off things
5 Looking ( at first glance ) like a cross between a Nintendo Gameboy and a bend-i-bus , the Quickshot Supervision features a comfortable , ergonomic design , 61mm square screen , stereo sound and cute little screen tilter that lets you play it flat without developing a permanent rick in your neck !
6 So if you 've built an item of farm equipment that helps you do your job better , then let us know .
7 Because your £6 helps buy him protective clothing and helps us provide him with the best equipped boats .
8 Because your £6 helps buy him protective clothing and helps us provide him with the best equipped boats .
9 But I knew he might not take this view — it is only hindsight that makes you take it , and he was not old enough for hindsight .
10 No on in 1993 is likely to top the achievement of Alistair Layzell , who last week got widespread press and radio coverage for the Biblia Pauperum ( Pauper 's Bible ) , a facsimile retailing at £2,600 — a price that makes one wonder what the rich person 's version would cost .
11 That 's the sort of thing that makes you realize you 're not going to find the job of your dreams just by going to the job centre .
12 Write down all the difficult questions that you do n't feel you have an answer for and try to find a person or a book that helps you answer them .
13 Does he think they will lead to further unemployment and does he think they 'll have enough the effect of increasing unemployment in my part of the United Kingdom ?
14 He 's proud that Romeo & Juliet introduced children to both Shakespeare and Prokofiev ‘ in a way that makes them think it 's not culture and a bit boring and I wish I could go and watch Neighbours . ’
15 Sounds complicated but much more reliable than trying to keep to a regular naming scheme that lets you know which copy is the oldest .
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