Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [to-vb] it [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 There they would force Khomeini to negotiate a deal and to broadcast it to the people .
2 The usual practice in most offices is for a post-clerk or secretary to open all the incoming mail and to place it in the in-tray of the appropriate recipient .
3 He forgot to decouple their carriage and to attach it to the Masham train as intended .
4 It is much better to have one review and to have it at the beginning of the Parliament , and that is exactly what we shall do .
5 Its inhabitants liked to call it the Woldopolis and to regard it as the hub of life in that part of the East Riding .
6 On present thinking , it would be more logical to treat it as revision and to do it at the later stage .
7 To help clear anxiety and to get it into the open , to put on record and share responsibility .
8 A full understanding of poetry requires that both principles are seen to be at work , for to analyze the laws of poetry without taking account of those of ordinary language would be to overlook the specifically verbal nature of poetry and to transform it from the domain of language to that of music .
9 The right thing is for the two counties to get together and to make a joint decision and , if necessary , to have a public inquiry or to leave it to the Minister to call the scheme in if he is not satisfied .
10 I welcome this opportunity to congratulate the Government on the Gracious Speech and on their proposal to abolish the community charge and to replace it with the council tax .
11 It 's faster to read data from the cache than to load it from the hard disk .
12 But two years of severe drought in the region have prompted suggestions to give the project a higher priority and to build it over the next two years rather than the next 14 , as originally planned .
13 XRD is able to identify the metal sulphide used to make the niello and to distinguish it from the metal and from the oxide , chloride and carbonate corrosion products which contaminate the sample .
14 Since the earliest days of their conversion to Christianity , Greek Christians had been involved in a creative effort to baptise their glorious past and to wed it to the originally semitic Christian experience .
15 He has begun to remove teacher training from the colleges which have served us so ill in the past and to put it in the hands of the best schools .
16 A man has a right to take credit for past success and to attribute it to the real cause .
17 This call the lesser chamber because to distinguish it from the greater chamber .
18 Some may choose to neglect their health or to trade it for the freedom to do other things , as does the business executive who opts for a stressful way of life in pursuit of material success .
19 It is not so much a failure of one or other particular party , it is a failure of our culture to recognize the significance and importance of science and to elevate it within the nation more continuously and more substantially than governments of either party have chosen to do during the past 25 years .
20 Even in making oneself more aware in preparation for a choice , it will be enough that one can identify which would be the relatively stronger inclination in the fullest attainable awareness ; there will be no need to experience it in its full intensity or to prolong it after the choice .
21 The nice complication then arises that to entertain the Copernican system seriously as a potentially true physical description , and subsequently to reject it , could be a more radical position than to accept it in the former sense .
22 ‘ If you are still not satisfied after that you can threaten to issue a court summons or to take it to the ombudsman . ’
23 The technology necessary to produce films , and television and radio programs , is so much more advanced in the industrialised countries than in the LDCs , that it is frequently much simpler and cheaper to import material than to produce it in the Third World .
24 To wrench the earth from the sublunar region and to place it among the planets was to violate the entire cosmos .
25 You will probably be relieved to hear that you 're not expected to memorize that table and to regurgitate it in the exam .
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