Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [to-vb] [pers pn] to the " in BNC.

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1 There they would force Khomeini to negotiate a deal and to broadcast it to the people .
2 He forgot to decouple their carriage and to attach it to the Masham train as intended .
3 This section gives effect to the recommendations of the Clayson Committee as to who should have the right to object , confers the right on organisations representing owners and occupiers in the neighbourhood , also makes it obligatory on all objectors to lodge objections with the clerk to the licensing board and to intimate them to the applicant .
4 The right thing is for the two counties to get together and to make a joint decision and , if necessary , to have a public inquiry or to leave it to the Minister to call the scheme in if he is not satisfied .
5 It administers the 1958 and 1967 Public Records Acts which oblige government departments to maintain and select public records for permanent preservation and to transfer them to the PRO when they are 30 years old .
6 Often enough , restrictions are imposed in terrorem so as to discourage the more blatant activities of the outgoing partner but with the realisation that to hold him to the letter of the restraint might well be impracticable .
7 Since the earliest days of their conversion to Christianity , Greek Christians had been involved in a creative effort to baptise their glorious past and to wed it to the originally semitic Christian experience .
8 part of her expected to find them laughing at his wild reaction beyond all sense and to return her to the blessed normal but when she looked around only Maggie stood in the room .
9 A man has a right to take credit for past success and to attribute it to the real cause .
10 The other half of it lies in mobilising party and public support sufficiently strongly to leave Mrs Thatcher with no choice but to readmit him to the Cabinet if the Tories do return to office after the next election .
11 They are each highly effective if the body evolves in such a way as to exploit them to the full .
12 ‘ If you are still not satisfied after that you can threaten to issue a court summons or to take it to the ombudsman . ’
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