Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [pos pn] [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Superintendent what was your response or your initial reaction to that information ?
2 So we tried to look deeper , particularly for a way of applying our money where its unique lack of strings could help add most the eminent scientists on the Venture Research Advisory Council — the Chairman Sir James Menter , Sir Rex Richards , Sir Hans Kornberg and Professor John Cadogan — contributed their expertise to this slow painstaking process as did my colleagues in the Unit .
3 Many instructors are not careful , or thoughtful enough about either their initial teaching or their subsequent monitoring of their students as they do their own cockpit checks .
4 Your sick parent must be mentally fit to make this decision of her own free will , and it does not rob her of the right to make her own decisions as to the spending of her money or her free access to it .
5 If we Christians set our own judgement or our inherited traditions above the Old and New Testament scriptures we part company with the Lord and the apostles , and cut ourselves off from our one source of knowledge of God .
6 It takes little imagination to foretell the likely consequences of just one peg disintegrating and flinging its spring or its free arm into the cutter gap during a pass ; or the possible knock-on effect(s) on the rest of the makeshift assembly and the astonished operator if this should happen .
7 Follow the photograph or your own set of Snakes & Ladders for the exact layout of the different coloured squares .
8 Although the examiner appointed by the court may submit a report which accompanies the deposition , this is merely intended to give him the opportunity of recording facts , including incidents during the examination ( for example , that the witnesses fainted or rose up and tried to assault cross-examining counsel ) ; the examiner can not indicate his opinion as to the credibility of the witness or his own impressions of the witness 's demeanour .
9 This analysis may also help to assess the extent to which the central contradiction in Anderson 's character , his apparently greater interest in football than his academic field of ethics , displays itself in conversation .
10 It will be argued in this chapter that their prideful belief in the capacity to influence , so vividly expressed and so evidently vindicated in Indirect Rule , led the British on to fatal experiment in more and more attenuated forms of imperial control .
11 His tongue parted her lips sensuously and then he drew so hard on her mouth that her last vestige of hope disappeared .
12 As a result of the transfer of surpluses from , and votes of , DUP and Unionist candidates VUPP gained one more seat than their single quota of first preference votes would suggest .
13 Interest can continue to be received gross if you certify prior to closure that your total income for the year , including that arising on closure is less than your tax allowance for the year and you are therefore a non-taxpayer .
14 Each patient had a functional gall bladder according to the evidence of a clearly visible gall bladder and its contractile response to egg yolk recorded on the drip infusion cholangiogram before operation , and by a total biliary lipid concentration greater than 50 g/l .
15 While the scale of British overseas commitments was widely debated in parliament and in the Labour party , as well as within the government , the scale of foreign investment and its key role in the overall balance-of-payments position was little known and therefore largely unremarked .
16 Despite the widespread incorporation of the systems approach into branches of physical geography and its increasing use as a framework for textbook structures , some disillusionment has occurred , possibly because the systems approach did not immediately offer all that was at first hoped .
17 I wish to express my gratitude to Simon Rattle and his remarkable orchestra in Birmingham for providing what has been a wonderful new musical experience for me .
18 [ It is ] the basic emotional attitude of the suppressed man of our authoritarian machine civilisation and its mechanistic-mystical conception of life .
19 Discretion may have tended to appear the better part of valour , and certainly better than defeat and its resultant loss of prestige .
20 IN spite of his determined flippancy and his furious pursuit of the passing attraction , Minton could not disguise his underlying seriousness nor the depth of his cultivation .
21 Weber associated this type of rule and its corresponding form of administration with the government of modern states and the power relations in private enterprise , public corporations and voluntary associations : ‘ private enterprise , however , is autonomous in its increasingly bureaucratic organization of management ’ .
22 Billy was still slouched in the corner with his left leg stretched across the seat and his right arm around Mary 's neck .
23 Survival International has launched a campaign against the programme and its likely effects on the indigenous inhabitants of the forest .
24 A short continuous crisis , the origins and consequences of which cover a long period , seems to be the double requirement of tragedy and its double relationship to time .
25 THE PARENTS of murdered toddler Jamie Bulger have spoken publicly for the first time about their tragedy and their new hopes for the birth of another child .
26 He concentrated upon the doctor 's neat , white shirt , his thin , anxious neck and his general air of having just surfaced from some particularly nasty branch of the Inland Revenue .
27 Full of youthful optimism and his consuming interest in debt , he continued reading and applying for jobs .
28 He was happiest in old clothes , with a pipe in his mouth and his much-loved wife at his side , gardening , tending trees , reading , or playing with his model railway , at Briglands , the house at Rumbling Bridge designed for his father by Sir Robert Lorimer [ q.v . ] .
29 We inched again past the thundering monster and its second string to the rear , and emerged at last into the clattering reverberating peace of the baggage car where I was reunited with my waistcoat .
30 Promoted to a senior lectureship in 1973 and to his professorship in German some 10 years later , he was one of the few remaining full-time members of the staff to have witnessed not only the coming of age of the University , but also the massive expansion of the Modern Languages Department and its impressive rise to prominence as an exponent of the applied approach to the teaching of languages , involving a marked shift of emphasis from a near exclusive preoccupation with literary studies in one foreign language to the development of communication skills in at least two .
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