Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [prep] [pron] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 On the parents ' separation the mother initially left the four children of the marriage with the father in the former matrimonial home but on her subsequently removing one of the children the father applied ex parte for orders , including a residence order , a prohibited steps order and a specific issue order pursuant to section 8 of the Children Act 1989 requiring her to return the child and directing her not to remove any of the children from the father 's care and control .
2 ‘ Women who feel their partners are more involved with their lingerie than with them definitely need to seek professional help .
3 But soon she began to detach herself from the girls sitting hand in hand in the Bun Shop and from their faintly rebuking way of going at their books .
4 The price of oil was tumbling again , one of his most reliable brokers on Wall Street had just been arrested for insider dealing , the acquisition of a highly prestigious London hotel had been held up by a query as to who actually owned it and , back home , one of his sisters had just committed suicide , causing a tremor of scandal throughout the country .
5 It would be unwise for the hon. and learned Gentleman or for anyone else to draw conclusions about what might have been the cause of this accident .
6 She felt a cold disgust as physical as nausea and with it there swept over her a weakness which shrivelled her in her chair .
7 There is undeniably some truth in that but , when you look in any detail at Montgomerie 's so-called failures since he won the Scandinavian Masters in 1991 , it has more often than not been less a question of his losing the tournament than of someone else winning it .
8 Recent SV gives no guide as to what then happens in the Northern Hemisphere , but we suppose that the flux is first eliminated and then reversed by northward migration of the equatorial patch .
9 This remark did not , as his passengers might have thought , refer either to the condition of the road or to his not having thought on about Easter , but to the problem of where the other two were going to eat lunch .
10 Still , it was easier to accept Hoffman as Penn 's spokesman than as someone actually living through the film .
11 I welcome the hon. Gentleman to the Dispatch Box and to his newly appointed position .
12 ‘ He 's going through a lot because of your not wanting to see him . ’
13 Once the teaching unit has reached the stage of a draft computer program which does what the designer intends , together with associated notes which describe what the program offers and its possible uses in the classroom , we need to consider in more detail how to collect essential information as to what actually happens when the unit is used .
14 Similarly , he felt that part-time tutors were more likely to respond to advice from a professional tutor than from someone not involved on the teaching side .
15 Apart from knowing facts such as " oranges contain vitamin C " and liver contains iron " , hardly anyone had a clue as to what actually constitutes a sound balanced diet or even how much of each nutrient is required each day for their body size , or anyone else 's body size for that matter .
16 There is considerable dissension in the literature as to what precisely constitutes desertification ; Kovda ( 1980 ) , for example , uses the term to describe land aridisation which involves all the processes that culminate in a reduction of the effective moisture content of soils and thus cause a decrease in biological productivity .
17 In the best run schools there is a clear cut agenda for the staff meeting with a tight timetable and with everyone well prepared for the business of the meeting .
18 It is all the more so in the housing market because of its highly geared nature .
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