Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [noun sg] [verb] [pron] with " in BNC.

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1 Exposed rafters , wall-to-wall pine panelling and the extensive use of beech and oak endow it with a warmth that is too often absent from modern architecture .
2 What I hope to show is that the attacks on the reality and irreducibility of both subjective experience and thought leave one with no contentful conception of the world .
3 The dance responds to another rhythm — the violent modern dissonances of Stravinsky 's famous musical score and spring releases itself with a boundless , dangerous energy in movements tense , muscular and frankly sensual .
4 Have we been expelled from an arcadia of fun where nature provided us with innocent automata , lowing and braying machines for our amusement ?
5 One girl of about nineteen was wrapped in a brightly coloured sarong and Folly recognised her with a shock as one of the women to whom she had delivered the flowers .
6 The King and Queen loaded him with wealth and honours but Columbus wanted even more .
7 The burdens and lack of stability of his social community became unbearable and the poet yearns for an age of permanence and simplicity to provide him with an alternative to the real world .
8 The Mineral Intelligence Programme is largely funded by the Department of Trade and Industry to provide it with information and authoritative advice on economic minerals and many aspects of the minerals industry .
9 ‘ A high degree of awareness can make the problem worse because some young people are persuaded to carry a knife or weapon to defend themselves with , ’ he said .
10 The clash between human and divine presents us with two spheres , each with right on its side , pointing forward to a reconciliation in line with the Aeschylean view of Fate enthroned above gods and men as eternal justice .
11 If your food and drink supplies you with exactly enough fuel to maintain your body 's activities ( the energy required to keep the vital functions going , and also for muscular work ) then you will stay at a constant weight .
12 Last year the Republic refused to extradite Mr Ryan to Britain to face terrorism charges , including conspiracy to murder and cause explosions , on the grounds that allegations in the Press and Parliament linking him with the IRA meant he would not receive a fair trial in Britain .
13 Saturday 's sense of imminent gloom and doom fills you with a foreboding of problems to come and difficulties or dangers to be overcome .
14 Advice is given on the types of film and equipment to tackle them with .
15 Heat and smoke buffeted him with welcoming arms as he entered the bar .
16 In such a big household there needed to be some organisation and control so father provided the discipline and mother tempered it with mercy .
17 So they all got a good view as Ten-huc rasped something with a whiff of black mist , and Gharr whirled with teeth bared .
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