Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [subord] [pers pn] [verb] about " in BNC.

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1 Well , this Christine is from Haslington Machine Knitting Club and when she read about the plight of the Romanians she resolved to do something about it — but what ?
2 But worse than this pardonable affliction was Ramsey 's discovery that when they talked about his beloved Durham this Durham man showed no interest .
3 ‘ I 've always been very aware that I needed to give something back after this experience and when I read about the appeal for people prepared to give homes to the Bosnians , I decided it was time I stepped in . ’
4 It would be foolish to deny that there has been great suspicion that when we talk about freedoms and flexibilities what we are actually talking about is worsening existing terms and conditions .
5 It is very important to keep our name and work in the public eye and if you know about a suitable event , but feel you can not cope with it yourself , please contact me for help .
6 It can also be an expensive business but if you think about your requirements and know your way around the manufacturers ' jargon you should be able to avoid any costly mistakes .
7 We had a date for this afternoon but when I heard about Francis it seemed the decent thing to postpone the arrangement .
8 Agent Cooper , who is forever dictating into a pocket tape recorder to an unseen associate named Diane , lends the show much of its deadpan humour as when he rhapsodizes about the aroma of the Douglas Fir or the savoury charms of a piece of pie with the glass-eyed earnestness of a Boy Scout on ecstasy .
9 All it is , is where the head of the femur is not correctly positioned in the hip socket and the proper name for the hip socket , you 'll see in your books is acetabulum This is definitely a condition which is familiar as a fam a family tendency and if you think about it if you have a , a , a big hip socket your children are likely to have big hip sockets it 's a family
10 Yes , can I bring this argument a bit closer to home and talk about the sexual division of labour within the family , which I think is one of the underlying causes of discrimination against women , and that 's really just a fancy term for the fact that when we talk about child care women do most of the work and men do very little , and really I do n't think we can look at the position of women without looking at how , in fact , child care and caring is organized within the family .
11 Well I think it 's either the experience that people have suffered or prejudice , but erm what really infuriates people I think is the fact that when you talk about gipsies you 're no longer talking about the romantic idea of a gipsy caravan , a red gipsy caravan with a horse and little children and dark-eyed girls , the erm conception is all wrong .
12 Then we go to the taboo language and if you talk about when you go to the toilet , if you Everybody excuses themselves to leave and that 's both men and women and then somehow you have to say where you 're going , so the women are more likely to use the polite sort of euphemistic kinds of things like they 'd say toilet or loo , whereas the men are more likely to say bog .
13 He stopped short of understanding Christianity because when he thought about that , he laid aside the receptive imagination with which he allowed himself to appreciate myth and became rigidly narrow and empiricist .
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