Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [vb past] [pron] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Richens and the girl , Sabrina Ngiau , put the body in a trunk and had it driven to Kent where it was buried in a field behind his parents ' house at Borough Green Road , Ightham .
2 When Ludovico came back to the apartment with food for lunch and found her stripped to the waist , washing herself in the cracked kitchen sink , he immediately started making love to her , pushing her back until the taps dug into her .
3 At Newport Morrissey fell victim to innocent crowd over-enthusiasm and found himself dragged into the mob .
4 It said : ‘ On my way to the courtyard this morning , I went into your gallery as a sanctuary and found myself surrounded by startling , horrific and disturbing images which yet had a positive and uplifting effect .
5 She wailed , standing there , looking in at the room that had nothing left of him .
6 We caught a local bus to the town and found ourselves seated among chickens , fish and women chewing beetle nut .
7 We did n't see him , but we had a superb seafood meal in a trattoria on a hill and found ourselves adopted by a shaggy island dog , another hazard of Mediterranean voyaging .
8 From time to time she dipped her fingertips into a glass jar and withdrew them laden with cream which she smoothed into her face and neck in lazy strokes .
9 That was a lot of money in those days and the others were so impressed , they took me into the sing-song and had me elected by acclamation . ’
10 When one of the party , a Mrs Samuels , died on the trip , Cook diplomatically disguised the fact from the Arabs and , pretending that she was ill , packed up her body and had it carried in a palanquin until a suitable burial could be arranged .
11 Robert Smith was a relative of John 's first wife and found himself summoned by the great man to take over the accounts .
12 After a shire-meeting in Herefordshire in Cnut 's day had declared that lands belonged to Leofflæd , her husband Thorkell the White rode to Hereford cathedral and had it recorded in a gospel book .
13 And er also many engineers when they were out their time , they went to Glasgow and for a few years , he , everybody who went from Galashiels , word got through to him and he met them at the station and got them settled in their digs in Glasgow .
14 So that when Von Lemke came to ‘ us ’ as governor and felt himself overwhelmed by ‘ our ’ troubles and scandal ; s , he had no toy-making to turn to , he had nowhere to go — his version of the abiding Dostoevsky extremity — and in fact he went mad .
15 A company working in the Distributed Computing Environment arena got hold of version 1.0.1 last week and had it installed in seven hours , which we take to be an improvement over the initial 1.0 version described by it as ‘ a nightmare ’ that ‘ could n't be used ’ because it was so buggy .
16 When Vigier de la Rousselle dared to advocate the continuation of appeals to Paris in 1312 , the whole matter was taken up in a very ‘ political ’ way by the authorities in Bordeaux , who accused Vigier of contempt of ducal authority and had him executed on a charge which was , in effect , that of treason .
17 The earliest experiment in New Jersey suggested that the reduction in working hours produced by relatively high tax rates was small — a 0.5-per-cent reduction in hours worked by men who received a cash supplement and had it withdrawn at a 50-per-cent tax rate .
18 He was curled in a rickety chair and had it balanced on two of its legs , one foot braced against the column .
19 Waterston , never interested in personal glory , did not try to claim priority , but J. W. Strutt , third Baron Rayleigh [ q.v. ] , rediscovered the paper and had it published in the Philosophical Transactions in 1892 , with an introduction which belatedly gave Waterston due credit .
20 As one of Rodin 's most celebrated works , The Kiss did not find favour with public opinion in the USA in the 1880s , which decided that the nude marble sculpture was far too hot for public viewing and had it confined to a special room .
21 With swift steps he crossed to the glazed door and saw her crouched before a flowerbed , apparently engrossed in the task of tugging weeds from between the flowering rose bushes .
22 Dot sat herself cross-legged on the bed and watched him perched on the chair by the window , blinking and twitching and fidgeting but never looking her way , then seeming to fall asleep and looking quite young , younger than Mr Brown anyhow , and certainly not at all like Sally 's dad who 'd been to Burma and eaten rats .
23 It 's a piece of pipe that I got at a plumbing supply place ; I bought a twelve foot piece of pipe and had it cut into pieces a little over an inch long .
24 And the doctor went up to see the old man and got him put in a hospital and that , in a mental hospital , for six weeks , right .
25 The adventure on which he had embarked , which was to give a sort of permanence to the past , was the one thing that kept him anchored to a chair and table all day , and often into the night .
26 Earth Mysteries researcher John Merron has subsequently located the other points of the decagon and found them occupied by significant sites .
27 He designed Horbury 's elegant Parish Church of St Peter and St Leonard , with its distinctive six-stage tower and had it built at a cost to himself of £8,000 in 1790–1794 . ’
28 She picked him up with her left hand and held him clasped in her palm .
29 It 's the Principle that got us started on all this in the first place , remember .
30 ‘ Be brave , ’ he told himself , and laid the middle finger of each hand upon the rim , as Peccable , who 'd once owned such a Bowl and had it smashed by his wife in a domestic row , had instructed .
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