Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [pers pn] [vb past] [pron] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 John , of Pontypridd , Mid Glamorgan , said yesterday : ‘ It was n't until I came to pay for a car at the auction that I realised what I 'd done .
2 He must have had something on his mind and he did something he does not normally do . ’
3 I asked her her name just in case it was the Devil in disguise and she told me who she was .
4 So , for example , if I rented a tape and I saw someone I liked , I could call the central distributor for that person 's number and then we could get together . ’
5 But he would n't , and redoubled his efforts with her hand , using it as his instrument until she hated what he was doing so much that she shook her head on the pillow and whispered , " No — please — no ! "
6 It is the regulations imposed on the Asia Minor city of Erythrai in c.450 BC ( ML 40 = Fornara 71 ) which included a Council appointed by lot ; Athens would hardly have exported such an institution before she had one herself .
7 Mig Romerez did not even recognise a football when I showed him one but his exotic appearance should be enough to impress those bumpkins in ‘ The Tip ’ crowd .
8 But dozens of representatives shouted ‘ Yes ’ when he recalled the European election campaign and asked them : ‘ Can any of us say in all honesty that we did everything we could ? ’
9 But at the time I was so excited by my good luck that I forgot what I owed to Joe .
10 It was not Diana 's day to lunch so they gave me her secluded table from which to view the proceedings .
11 All I know is that by the time we had entered into residence again that autumn , we found we had made so little progress , and had remained so vague about our aims that , one evening , Harold Mason and I , who had seen more of each other than we did anyone else in the group , resolved to abandon the project altogether ; and I therefore wrote to Eliot , from whom I had not heard further , telling him that our plan had made so little headway that I felt it my duty to tell him not to trouble himself any more .
12 He was a Syrian and there is no question that he knew what he was about .
13 Through Special Branch it arranged for Inspector Lamport , of the Portsmouth CID , to visit the Sallyport Hotel two days later , on 21 April , where , in front of the astonished manager , Edward Richman , Lamport tore out from the hotel register the pages bearing the signatures of Crabb and ‘ Smith ’ , and threatened Richman with prosecution under the Official Secrets Act if he told anybody anything about the affair .
14 Matt said afterwards he 'd half expected the whole thing would turn out to be a wild goose chase and I told him I thought the same .
15 The company plans have been put on ice until it decided what its next move might be .
16 It can hardly have been on account of the unanimous beliefs of the many Home Secretaries who passed through the department during the period — though it has to be said that only one , Roy Jenkins , showed any real interest in the issue and he did what he could to achieve action .
17 She went on a school trip to a museum and we gave her our little camera which I could never use .
18 We spoke a week ago on the telephone and he told me he was desperate .
19 In fact as soon as I walked in I was n't allowed to go to my desk until I promised her I would get the computer out
20 Ian was very upset by his father 's intransigent attitude but he knew what he wanted to do and that was to pursue his studies by every means possible , although by now doubts were beginning to cloud his mind .
21 A slight exaggeration but I knew what he meant .
22 In Primary Three I fell in love with another boy because he lent me his ‘ Lo-lo Ball ’ and I thought this meant love !
23 Halfway through lunch , this blonde , baby-faced girl started to kill herself with anxiety because she saw someone she knew but could not remember their name .
24 I 'm calling his home because he told me he was rarely in his office . ’
25 Turner used to change his work when he saw who he was hanging next to .
26 Then she gave a quick , soft laugh as she realized what he was doing .
27 ‘ D ’ , my husband , did n't accept me loving another girl when I told him I was a lesbian , but after a while he accepted me as Carla — 100 per cent .
28 He asked the question as she handed him his drink .
29 I saw her with black hair and I told her it was great , but she prefers to be blonde .
30 He gave us his story and we gave him ours .
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