Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [pers pn] [conj] [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 There was no need to ask Mossop where he and Heather had gone after leaving Fawley .
2 Indeed , and to allow them to take that sort of action that they feel allows them , or enables them to express what they 're feelings are , but to assume that they can take the sort of action that we as adults have not been able to take , i.e. to find different ways and more mature ways of resolving conflicts is putting expectations on children that we as adults have n't been able to achieve ourselves .
3 He would also have known that Palmerston , having let it be known that he had asked Scott to submit a new design , was very unlikely to change his mind , and it was perhaps to give the appearance of some purpose to the delegation that he and Tite made their request for another competition .
4 The Rector of Londesborough saved the day by giving chase in his car and he and Fred caught up with the horse at the farm gate , waiting to be let in .
5 Dionne slung on a Dietrich tape and she and Jay escaped to the kitchen , leaving Jamie and Francis screaming along to a soul-searching Burt Bacharach number .
6 Sometimes the actors went back up to their dressing-rooms for an hour at a stretch while she and Geoffrey stood in for them , posing languidly at the fireplace or leaning back on the settee , twirling empty wine glasses .
7 She was by no means a billionairess when she and IBJ began their relationship , but she did own a couple of restaurants in Osaka ; and IBJ was desperate to expand operations in that area .
8 She had £50 in her purse when she and Horatia took ship to Calais where she brazened it out until January 1815 when she died — not in disgrace but hardly gracefully .
9 But surely , she reasoned , once they catch Lawrence , the police will demolish his story … the story that he and Lou have cooked up together .
10 When Mary came in from work the day after the row she told Mum that she and Albert had had a talk and that she was going to stay with his parents for a bit while Albert sorted out a house and furniture and the paraphernalia of married life .
11 Travis , to her amazement , swallowed without hesitation that she and Naylor saw each other frequently at work — and were drawn to each other !
12 No wonder that she and Charles felt that they led a charmed life , that the times were on their side .
13 Fleischmann then showed a proposal that he and Pons had submitted to the Department of Energy ( DOE ) in Washington requesting financial support for them to carry through a definitive series of experiments over a period of three years .
14 If I may take one more minute just to convey this when I was a child in South Africa and we demonstrated and the police would come you know , ready to fire ready to kill if necessary and you had to calculate how you can avoid that situation and then you try in your normal life after the demonstration to do something against the regime to organize people and so on , and then like a juggernaut the state comes and destroys all the work that you and others have done for years and you just see it as a child of what your parents and others had done .
15 Roberts called a meeting of the Town Council and he and Cross asked the police to start an investigation .
16 Philip thought of Jack shooting the magpie up in Jubilee Wood while he and Lee hid in the bracken .
17 Joyce described the scene as he and Mosley tried to leave the pavilion :
18 And one of the codgers on the committee when he and Fagg took over was a lawyer who was very thick with them .
19 Des O'Grady had the honour when he and Kyle came to the 6th .
20 Then he and his companion walked away in one direction and she and Peggy took the opposite through the camp .
21 Peter had brought his guitar and he and Tom began to play .
22 Even the house , with its big grand rooms and dark paintings of Arbuthnots , seemed less strange once she had altered the bedroom and rearranged the study into a cosy sitting room where she and Philip spent their evenings together .
23 Toshiba Corp has now been drawn into the IBM-Apple Computer Inc alliance following the announcement that it and Apple have an agreement to develop multimedia technology , combining Apple software skills with Toshiba 's expertise in semiconductors and consumer electronics .
24 Dredge her mind as she might , she could n't even begin to remember the moment that she and Arnie had met .
25 The members must satisfy the approved body that they and people employed by them are fully trained in the provision of probate services and that there are satisfactory insurance arrangements and a complaints scheme .
26 Maximilian , rising from his coffin after 6 rounds , orders the adventurers to stand around the perimeter of the magic circle while he and Juliane stand within it , reciting incantations from the scroll .
27 The remainder of the evening passed in a vague haze of laughter and conversation until Rob 's final kiss on Merrill 's cheek as she and Richard left .
28 Her heart had taken wing as she and Mandy had walked down into the lodge .
29 Mandy mused one evening as she and Charity sat out on their rickety porch eating salads and sweating .
30 In the event that you or others named on your booking form suffer death , bodily injury or illness arising from an activity which does not form part of the services we have agreed to supply to your , then we shall through our Representatives or Agents offer you every reasonable assistance , including advice and guidance and may , depending upon particular circumstances and at our complete discretion , offer initial financial assistance up to a maximum of £5,000 per booking form .
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