Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [adj] [noun] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 That break and special tie it at the back of there ?
2 The areas beyond these terminal reaves contain burial and religious monuments which in some cases must be earlier ; so perhaps some respect of older features is implied , an aspect which can be seen elsewhere where barrows and barrow cemeteries seem to have been avoided rather than ignored when the later fields were laid out .
3 At the same time the linking of allowances to family size encouraged feckless marriage and carefree breeding which in turn added to rural population and turned the labour market even more strongly against the rural poor .
4 ‘ Visible forms ’ , he wrote , ‘ are to edify , either by understanding , or when by affection the minds of the congregation are stirred up with that reverence , devotion , attention and due regard which in that case seemeth requisite , especially means which make a deep and strong impression on the eye . ’
5 Nor had he been interviewed by any policeman or other official whatsoever during the five months of his stay in Long Kesh Detention Camp .
6 Herr Nordern gave her a ghastly , feeble grin , as if asking for remission , but Frau Nordern turned a cold face away , showing only an upright back and stiff neck which in their rigidity seemed to symbolise the rectitude of all the generations of the Houses of von Bromberg and von Ritter .
7 Dyson assumed they were the company 's directors , bankers , and financial advisers ; they all had an air of unassuming integrity and human dignity which in Dyson 's experience was acquired only by daily contact with very large sums of other people 's money .
8 This often contains the seeds of grass and other plants which before long sprout , like mustard and cress on a damp flannel .
9 CBHPs grew in an era of popular organizing by both church and secular organizations which in adopting a structural or liberational approach were clearly anti-government in character .
10 The Zuwaya maintained an image of statelessness and an identity as free persons which from time to time became an active force in their politics .
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