Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [adv] a [noun sg] in " in BNC.

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1 His pelvis fractured and back broken , he 'd been hospitalized for eighteen months , was undergoing final therapy and still a lieutenant in the Finnish Air Force when , on June 25 , 1941 , Finland joined forces with Nazi Germany and declared war on Russia .
2 Indeed , his view of this independent sovereign as purely a pawn in the French political game was never more clearly seen than in 1556 , when he contemplated marrying her to the English nobleman Edward lord Courtenay , in response to the threat that Philip of Spain , then married to Mary Tudor , would give her sister Elizabeth as a bride to Ferdinand of Austria .
3 WITH the latest appalling upsurge in violence , both loyalist and republican , thoughts of peace or even a breakthrough in the political stalemate seem far removed from the grim reality .
4 Given recent reductions in the rate of personal taxation , there is now little fiscal benefit to be obtainedthough in any case that should have been regarded as an incidental benefit and not a justification in itself for the establishment of such a company .
5 The other end of the scale the erm Sun gets much of its editorial exclusives and material often running to five or six pages erm by covering the Royal Family erm in terms of language in that in the language used , the Sun erm tends to adopt a very simple writing style of one adjective erm sorry one verb and a number of adjectives with a couple of nouns , tends to be sentence went off around ten to twelve words and the design is also quite interesting because they like to sort of leave things out so you have a paragraph in normal type and then a paragraph in bold with big splodges next to it to highlight it .
6 For the latter , the term God is the main religious symbol for the Ground of Being while , for the former , God is the name we give to the mysterious power that pervades the universe and not a symbol in the Tillichian sense .
7 And Jonathan was justice of the peace and quite a leader in ar area .
8 The increase in the cost of repaying mortgages ( the greatest component of the average family 's budget ) caused a reduction in the amount of money available for general consumption and hence a reduction in living standards .
9 Apprenticed to John Wilson ( no relation ) of Wilson , Wilkinson & Co. , iron merchants of 47 High Street , he was a junior clerk and then a traveller in the Sheffield district , promoting the sale of iron ore to the local industrialists .
10 The certainty that this particular music was being played directly at her and for her , that the fair man had seen her violin case and perhaps a look in her eyes of wistfulness , the fair man alone , for the guitarist seemed only there for support and back-up , decided her .
11 One morning he also opened up the building , went upstairs and came down and there was these fresh footprints on a part of the building which he had n't been at that time and he , like myself , looked all over the building and not a soul in sight .
12 Events in Guatemala in 1954 set a vivid precedent and were a potent reminder that even a glance in the direction of Communism was more than the United States was prepared to countenance .
13 He was a local lad and already a star in clubland , and I was a second-year apprentice comic visiting the north-east for the first time and decidedly wary of its reputation .
14 Alternatively , such an entry might mean a temporary absence , on Church business if not a foray in quest of preferment .
15 The spark that does often make people go is when there are changes in the international organisation or indeed a change in the fortunes of the company .
16 Bank lending may also increase ( item 3 ) even if there is no increase in liquidity or even a reduction in liquidity ( item I is zero or negative ) , if banks respond to increases in the demand for loans by accepting a lower liquidity ratio .
17 What was new was that skinheads appeared to be not a continuation of a trend , but a change of emphasis or even a reversal in the development of style .
18 It was Grandad 's basic contention in life that whenever you were cycling downhill with the wind behind you and the sun on your back and never a care in the world , some little bugger nipped out of a bush and stuck a spike in your spokes .
19 So , after two years of design and development and nearly a year in the building , what happens now ?
20 Take a hot bath/shower Or treat yourself to a sauna or even a session in a beauty salon !
21 So not only do we see a physical flight to the countryside but also a change in political outlook .
22 She had been rapt at his every phrase , pen ready to score out any word or even a comma in her essays to please him .
23 " That 'll take a bashing on a hard shore and never a crack in fifty years .
24 One of the main arguments for Big Bang was that the abolition of the minimum commission system would result in competition and hence a reduction in commissions and overall transactions costs for investors .
25 Still looking at section 3(1) , I point out that ‘ any later assumption of a right to it ’ ( that is , a right to the property ) amounts to an appropriation of a right to it and that normally ‘ a right to it ’ means a right to the property and not a right in it . ’
26 One possibility for the decrease in antral carcinomas over time is a decrease in H pylori infection and hence a fall in the prevalence of chronic gastritis .
27 When it comes to handling the environmental crisis there is undoubted strength but also a flaw in the Western democratic system which has triumphed so dramatically , both ideologically and materially , at the end of the twentieth century : its political and economic well-being depends on growth and the prospect of ever-increasing wealth and improved standards of living .
28 … each American school has a national flag flying outside the school and usually a flag in each classroom .
29 For example : each soloist need not begin with a formal bow to a king or to the audience , nor end with another bow or considered pose ; but such behaviour may be included if the choreographer wishes to locate dance in a particular century and probably a palace in which the story unfolds .
30 If the firm can expand its production it will lead to a reduction in average cost and hence a reduction in price , not only in the overseas market but also in the home market , which may lead to further domestic market expansion .
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