Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [pron] take [adv prt] the " in BNC.

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1 Your files should be in such a condition that anyone taking over the project in your place can make immediate use of them .
2 ‘ Now will you wait for me here in the dark till I take back the keys , and not imagine I 've locked you in to starve ?
3 Caesar found a census of the population in the Greek script when he took over the camp of the Helvetii ( Bell .
4 Arsenal 's slump since they took over the Premier League leadership on November 7 has been startling , but Graham admitted : ‘ I do n't even think about winning the title .
5 The Elves of Nagarythe were numerous and well-versed in sorcery , being descendants of those grim Elves who had followed Aenarion after he took up the Sword of Khaine .
6 BILL CLINTON has given a chilling warning that Britain 's cosy relationship with the United States is heading for the big freeze when he takes over the White House .
7 In 1948 , this became a Jewish town and we took over the building . ’
8 It may just be that Clinton is taking advantage of the transition period until he takes over the Presidency to air some personal prejudices and satisfy the grievances of some of his supporters .
9 The famous Chapter 5 of the first book , which deals with the transformation of labour from a stage where it is a ‘ part of life ’ to a stage under capitalism when it takes on the imaginary form of a thing separate from the labourer , when it can be bought and sold , is worked out in Formen , in the discussion of tribal , oriental , and ancient societies which it contains .
10 Free First Aid Kit when you take out the Plan .
11 and the kid had a fright when he took out the kite
12 We look forward to giving further impetus to the process when we take on the presidency of the Community in the second half of the year .
13 Ireland had crashed to a 145-90 defeat at the hands of the English losing out on all six rinks , and looked to have little chance when they took on the Scots , who had beaten defending champions Wales 130-100 in their opener .
14 But she could still be asked to leave with just one month 's notice if someone takes over the 20-year lease .
15 I was n't much more than your age when I took on the farm myself .
16 Smith dismissed speculation he would recruit former Middlesbrough coach David Nish as his right hand man if he took over the hot seat .
17 Hong Kong 's achievement in Catania has been Simpkin 's first success since he took over the Hong Kong representative side .
18 Their common aim is to help introduce a more just and democratic society ; to bring into being the social transformation that was announced by the government as it took over the leadership of the newly independent Zimbabwe in 1980 .
19 Sam Gamgee hits on the same thought when he takes up the ‘ Blondin' role of faithful minstrel in Minas Morgul , and sings ‘ words of his own ’ fitted to another old Shire tune :
20 I rousted Thessy out of his bed with a cup of tea , then went to my own bed as he took over the wheel .
21 The following day it was revealed that Bering had chipped a bone in a knee during the race , but such was the power of his acceleration as he took up the running that he could hardly have been affected until the very final stages .
22 Secure in business and society — he was a Merchant Adventurer , Muscovy merchant , and MP at the time of his marriage — Smith abandoned a conventional career in commerce when he took up the collectorship of the subsidy on imports at the port of London in 1558 .
23 Invited to join the King , with his companions the Chancellor Colonel Sapt and his aide-de-camp Fritz von Tarlenheim , on the ruler 's last night of freedom before he takes up the burden of the Crown , Rassendyll is conveniently available to step in when the monarch collapses , drugged by wine presented by his jealous brother Black Michael .
24 You 've got a form R eighty five which is available for bank and building society investors , and if you 've got er a gross account then er you , you have to agree with the revenue that you are not going to be a taxpayer in the year that you take out the er R eighty five .
25 Equally forthright is the testimony of Carel Weight who taught with Minton in the Painting School and who took over the Professorship after Rodrigo Moynihan left .
26 Another question : could one be bothered maintaining the fantasy league for the year if one took on the responsibility ?
27 Mwinyi abolished the post of Deputy Prime Minister and himself took over the Defence and National Service portfolio , sharing responsibility with former President Julius Nyerere , chairman of the ruling CCM party and of the party 's defence and security committee .
28 The Manchester United striker , who will tonight win his 51st cap for his country when they take on the RCS in a vital World Cup qualifier in Cardiff , believes this is one of the best Welsh teams for years .
29 The first is that the land around the Arnish site was owned by the Stornoway Trust , an elected body who received an undertaking from the subsidiary of Olsen Shipping when they took over the site , that only essential maintenance would be carried out on Sundays .
30 The bottom end of the rope was fixed to the back of the van and it took up the slack and held the tree in tension to give the saw ease of movement .
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