Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [pron] is [adj] for " in BNC.

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1 The UK Parliament is certainly not widely regarded as being at all competent in the scrutiny which it exercises over public spending , and few people are under the illusion that it is difficult for government departments to deceive MPs and Select Committees about necessary levels of expenditure and unnecessary levels of waste .
2 However , one still hears all sorts of rumours to the effect that it is possible for others to obtain information , yet one or two of my constituents found it difficult to obtain information about the identity of a car owner involved in an accident .
3 I accept [ counsel 's ] submission that it is relevant for this court to have regard to the fact that in Australia there is no longer any home or any financial support for the mother and for the boys , a situation for which the mother bears no greater responsibility than the father .
4 The great asset of symbolic modelling is just this , learning does not have to depend entirely on practice and it is possible for collective knowledge to accumulate .
5 Now it will not always be the case that it is optimal for the less risk-averse party to take on all the risk .
6 Printed information in books , bibliographies and guides has the advantage that it is available for use , as and when required .
7 Printed material , available in many forms , has the advantage that it is available for use , as and when required .
8 Richard Baxter observed the truth of our Lord 's teaching that it is hard for the rich to enter the kingdom of heaven , but the poor received the Gospel gladly .
9 We need to create an atmosphere in residential work where it is OK for workers , male and female , to feel — to feel fear , anger , love and sexual arousal .
10 Most business people receive so much correspondence that it is difficult for them to deal with all their correspondence immediately on receipt .
11 Social researchers wish to establish clear findings from their work but it is natural for them to want to stretch or overplay the evidence .
12 ‘ We face a stern test but it is important for my players to continue to believe in themselves . ’
13 The daily ritual of meal-times , for example , may often contain a wealth of deliberately and non-deliberately imparted information for the child , in part confirming his status as a child ( children should be seen and not heard , children should finish their cabbage because it is good for them ) , in part defining the stages of growing up ( older children sit on ‘ proper ’ chairs , drink out of ‘ proper ’ cups , and use knives and forks ) , and in part defining and reinforcing certain adult identities ( father carves the joint , mother brings food from the stove ) .
14 If a guarantee is to be given , the best approach is for the parent company to become a party to your contract and it is desirable for the document to be under seal .
15 And you look at the er the preamble in the , in the order er the book of common order for baptism and it is designated for Christian people , that particular rite of passage .
16 There is alot of talent in this town and it is good for people to hear it .
17 These will involve their giving notice to the tenant and his being able to withhold consent if it is reasonable for him to do so .
18 Young people with no job lose confidence and it is easy for them to slide into living in reversal of night and day .
19 They are normally the senior employees and therefore the high earners of the business and it is important for the purchaser to assess the cost at an early stage .
20 I do not see how Greater Glasgow health board can be dissatisfied with the consultation process when it is responsible for
21 Our echographic measurement of the antrum is too schematic for a physiological study of gastric motility but it is sufficient for use in crossover trials where each subject acts as his/ her own control .
22 I entirely agree with the right hon. Gentleman that it is undesirable for any delegation to stay away .
23 Every office shall , on each day that it is open for business , be supervised by a practising solicitor who need not be a partner in the firm but must have been admitted for at least three years , and be managed by a practising solicitor ( of whatever seniority ) or a Fellow of the Institute of Legal Executives of good standing and of at least five years ' seniority .
24 If it appears to the court that it is impracticable for any reason to serve a document in any manner prescribed by the rules , the court may , upon an affidavit showing grounds , make an order for substituted service ( N 217 ) giving leave for such steps to be taken as the court directs to bring the document to the notice of the person to be served ( Ord 7 , r 8(1) ) .
25 When ‘ untreated ’ timber ( ie , wood which has not been impregnated with preservative ) is built into solid walls , it has no protection from dampness in the wall and it is common for joist-ends to be shielded by a skin of brickwork only a half-a-brick thick ( Fig 31 ) .
26 The Business is being purchased ( partly ) for its goodwill and it is reasonable for the Vendor to be asked ( in effect ) whether there are any significant risks which would adversely affect that goodwill by virtue of the sale .
27 Doctors say Jonathan will have a normal life-span and she is worried for the future and what will happen to him after her death .
28 No true supporter of any country would want Wales to remain in the doldrums , but would rather see them return to a competitive level because it is good for the game .
29 Sometimes it is due to muddy ground where it is difficult for players to get a good grip with their studs , or by a player slipping in the front row .
30 if the driver is prevented from proceeding by circumstances beyond his control or it is necessary for him to stop in order to avoid an accident- or
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