Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [pron] [adv] [verb] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 ’ I shouted merrily , beginning to experience an ache somewhere near my bladder that I sometimes get when things are going particluarly badly and I ca n't see any way out .
2 The condition that we now recognise as AIDS was first reported in the USA in 1981 .
3 Erm sometimes er I have n't mentioned much about the gender of the therapist but sometimes it can help a great deal if the therapist 's the same gender as the same person who 's undergoing therapy and it also helps if it 's er sometimes you ca n't very easily with some therapists , y'know it sometimes erm helps if it 's somebody you can trust and confide in and stuff like that and obviously , having met various psychiatrists and clinical psychologists , er quite a number of them are not people I 'd particularly like to talk about about being abused as a child .
4 In two patients the cause of anaemia may have been menstrual loss because they both settled after menstruation had stopped .
5 He was a great player , and he was just beginning to get the notoriety that he really deserved when he had his terrible car accident . ’
6 As you thought , Mrs. Jack has not been able to state openly that a parent can withdraw a child if they so wish as it would be seen , like Tayside , to undermine ‘ the consensual approach ’ .
7 So I 'm not a for a moment suggesting that some rules and regulations are n't needed and I think that er the trouble is that every rule and regulation that is passed in this house , there 's always an excuse for it and there 's usually a very good reason for it , but that is the problem that the government faces and it 's quite fairly er a problem the treasury face when they introduce these statutory instruments because er no one can disagree that fraud must be stamped out , all I 'm actually saying is that unfortunately upstairs we have a deregulation bill going ahead at all pace with hundreds of clauses and hundreds of new rules to try and red hundreds of new clauses to reduce the number of rules and here we are downstairs on the floor we have passing for very good reason perhaps , more rules and regulations and there are four more tonight and I believe that every government department Madam deputy speaker , has a minister specially appointed to keep an eye on deregulation and I just wondered although er my honourable friend on the front bench mentioned that er the even the D T I minister responsible for deregulation has looked at these , I wonder if there is a minister in the treasury , they 've actually put a minister in the treasury responsible for deregulation or is the ministry actually above deregulation because I think that er I got the impression that the that every ministry would have a deregulation minister and I think it would be rather useful to know who the deregulation minister is in the treasury .
8 Two white lads and a coloured one and er it was a white girl and I often wonder if that 's a good idea er whether they should all be the same colour .
9 I hated rugby but I always played when they wanted me to because I was really fast .
10 Thereafter , clause 54 was not the subject of further debate and passed into law as it now stands as section 63 of the Act .
11 Teaching was a very low-status job and you just waited until the day was over .
12 Absolutely they 're reading it with you so they 're with you so you 're you 're holding their interest even though you 're not actually saying anything , yeah , and again you may you may have noticed well another thing is once you 've once you 're written put the pen down and the easiest thing in the world to have a but if you want to make a point and you probably noticed once I once I put the red lines around the red boxes round there and I gave you the first demonstration of the Aldershot method I stood here okay .
13 You lose your confidence because you never know whether you 've just asked that question or whether you are simply talking out-of-date rubbish .
14 Nutty thought she was on to a good idea and went home happily , taking over from her mother in the shop as she usually did while her mother started to get the tea .
15 The we 're coming closer on the er figures for the er staff turnover and I believe that the four percent , which is easily achievable , on the thirty first of December nineteen ninety two the turnover savings were running just below four percent , alright we just cut some of the post out of today 's budget but I still think if we give the wrong messages to the officers er we 're in danger of spending money that we do n't need to .
16 The sharing of the collector 's salary was really what appears to have been in the thoughts of Craigbarnet and his friends , for Dougalston too returned to this point in his letter to Montrose 's commissioner , telling him that Craigbarnet 's friends had given him to understand that they would support Kirkton 's re-election , ‘ with the same sellary that he now has if he would give Craigbarnett fifteen or twentie pound sterling yearly out of it ’ .
17 Erm what it is we 're a press agency working for the national papers and about eighteen months ago we did Em Emma 's story for the Sunday People erm and now I 've just seen the Evening Mail today erm and I 've got , you know the how she 's grown nine inches in the past eighteen months , er and just thought the story might er might take another outing and I just wondered if it was possible f for you to help us contact her er her mother at all ?
18 My wife and I both dive when I am at home and we have a number of friends who run dive charter operations in the Keys .
19 But we always put one particular herren what we called the October blue-nosed herren because they never wasted when they were hung up to be smoked .
20 I do n't get the feeling that they particularly care whether this murder is solved or not ; anyway they want it solved on their terms and if it 's going to muddy a lot of their holy bloody waters they 'd like us to go away .
21 It was a feeling that I never had until that nice little man with a funny hat and a big gun got out of a strange aeroplane and asked me : " Do you speak English ? "
22 The development of occupational pension schemes , and the rapid increase of owner-occupation since the 1950s , has given many elderly people far more economic security in old age than they ever had when they were reliant on the sale of their labour power .
23 We get all the papers in the dressing room on a Monday morning and we just laugh when we read them . ’
24 Think about it and you 'll see that it can not score more than its ‘ opponent ’ in any particular game because it never defects except in retaliation .
25 This causes him to doubt himself , that is his worthiness in loving Estella as he now thinks because he has been called common and coarse .
26 ‘ When the State usurps the functions of the family ’ … and consoled himself with the thought that he never pontificated unless he was drunk .
27 To most of us , guitar strings are like teeth — a constant factor of life that you completely ignore until ( a ) they break or ( b ) they get so grungy and horrible that you simply have to do something about it .
28 Folly finished the sentence for him in a flat voice that she hardly recognised as being her own .
29 So I stood by the door and I never moved till he went in oh he said But with a caravan I do n't know .
30 Er right welcome back B B C Radio York Whaley 's on until er two this afternoon and before we do anything else er a little bit I saw in the paper , Unions about turn , that 's the shop workers ' union known as USDOR erm have done an about turn and they now say because they saw the writing on the wall , that they think Sunday trading is okay , well more or less .
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