Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [pron] [verb] [to-vb] and " in BNC.

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1 Tell your hotel porter where you wish to go and he will usually know the correct bus .
2 ‘ I have made up my own mind where I want to go and I spoke to Frank Clark this morning the first time for a fortnight .
3 We got so fed up with the leaking roof that we decided to try and mend it with some tar .
4 ‘ Karl has given me no indication that he wants to leave and Paul Dixon is the only player they have got who is good enough to get in my side .
5 I think one rule that you have to follow and as long as you follow that particular rule then they can handle infinite amount of power , do n't make sense to me
6 It is in this setting that I want to try and talk about Moral Re-Armament .
7 It was their own idea , started without help before I began my work as an adviser and I want to try and help them make it a success .
8 I went er , in to check whether these were available last week , just to make sure they were available and , they we , they had been reserved last term but I went to check and , I found so much difficulty finding my way around
9 I was no exception to this rule when I graduated to command and number some very good friends amongst the chiefs with whom I have sailed .
10 The best and easiest way to ensure that you get a large range of bricks and enough of each kind of brick that you need to build and repair your body cells , is to mix the protein foods you take in at each meal .
11 Both sides could make out a case that they deserved to win and should have been awarded penalties .
12 They walked towards the village while he struggled to contain and enjoy his feelings .
13 The other passage that makes a most extraordinary effect emotionally is Ellen 's exit after she agrees tO go and collect the new apprentice for Grimes .
14 Lazenby 's career took a nose dive and he turned to drink and drugs for solace .
15 Can you give some money cos I need to go and get the baby one pound .
16 It is precisely this multi-layered richness that I wish to celebrate and protect from the ravages of the systemizers .
17 I think Lazlo introduced this , to us , very refreshing sort of sound that he wanted to achieve and we were able at the beginning to quite take people by surprise with this what was described as a young , fresh sound , and we did quite a number of recordings .
18 Two recent incidents have led me to question my responses in a job that I continue to enjoy and do well .
19 It 's not the sort of room that anyone wants to come and chat to you in .
20 Her husband died in a car accident and I had to go and tell his wife .
21 Blood had begun to run into the corner of his eye and he blinked to try and clear his vision .
22 And one of the jobs we 're gon na give you to do we 're gon na give you one little piece of a pot and a picture and you have to try and work out which pot that the little pieces came from .
23 In business Till they get to know and things like that .
24 It 's about a hundred miles from Vitez to Split but they have to cross and recross the front lines in a war that 's unpredictable .
25 Because you 'd you could n't hold that much in your head so you have to try and break them down into little patterns of Oh it 's one of that lot or it 's one of this lot .
26 These are directed to control conflict — though in fact they make it so much a part of the formal structure of the organisation that they tend to legitimise and even perpetuate it .
27 ‘ This decision is merely the formal recognition of an existing relationship that we hope to extend and strengthen further in the years ahead , ’ said IAMCR 's President , Cees J Hamelink .
28 Further to our recent telephone conversation I am writing to confirm my instruction that you help to organise and attend a meeting between CPRW , the Gwent and Brecknock Wildlife Trusts , and the promoters of the above bill , Newport Borough Council .
29 You 're allowed to if you got the ball and you run to try and get a try .
30 The willow is cut between January and March , left in water until it starts to sprout and then peeled and dried .
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