Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [pron] [verb] [pers pn] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 To complicate the picture even further , there are a number of other devices which , although not strictly security interests in the sense of vesting some type of proprietary interest in the creditor or which give him possessory control over assets of the debtor company , nevertheless act as security .
2 His reply was so matter-of-fact , so lacking in emotion that she found it hard to believe .
3 Also they had to film the invasion in the dark so they gave us two lamps .
4 When I intervened in the right hon. Gentleman 's speech he replied in such confusion that I thought it best to give him time to reflect , and to ask my question again later .
5 You are angry , vulnerable , gentle , fierce , with such bewildering speed that I find it fascinating .
6 but this time it was a genuine tragedy so he paid me all deposit I put in , he paid me all back , you know , I don I did n't want I do n't want to go caravanning by myself
7 It 's her ring and I bought her that scarf . ’
8 On Sunday , all afternoon it 's flipping football and it drives me crazy !
9 He won that actually on appeal because he said he needed to raise the funds for a project he 'd got in mind and they allowed him twenty eight days in the first year , he now carries on fourteen days without planning permission every year , but give him credit he does run it very well , er and you can not fault him , but we in our area do actually issue licences , you can not have a car boot sale or market stall without a licence and I personally have run the charity markets in er the village high street and got a licence at the cost of a pound .
10 It 's one-party rule for the foreseeable future and I find it depressing . ’
11 Well as I say I went for this interview and she phoned me last Sunday did n't she ?
12 There were tracks over the snow and we followed them that day .
13 " I 'll gladly see your Superintendent if you think it necessary , " I said .
14 In your case you may be able to say that your spouse has committed adultery and you find it intolerable to live with her ; or that you have lived apart for two years and you consent to the divorce .
15 He asked me for a light and I offered him one of my Gauloises .
16 I think she 's all set to do herself some permanent harm if she pushes it any harder . ’
17 Until the seventeenth century the courts would declare Acts of Parliament void if they considered them contrary to natural law , repugnant to the law or impossible to be performed .
18 If the authorities refrain from using force because they think it wiser to use other means , the effect is often as follows : … to prevent or resist violence , the governing class may use guile , cunning , fraud and corruption — in short .
19 It had a circular room with a compass inlaid in mahogany in the parquet floor , and here father and daughter sat side-by-side on the window seat while he coached her each evening in the school holidays .
20 Her mum came down the street steaming from the chip shop , and she rushed us inside and got me to make a pot of tea while she shared them all out between the three of us , and we all sat round their fire eating them .
21 If you came in now and asked me for a pound of apples , well in a way I would n't know a stranger whether they like them under-ripe , ripe or just ready for eating .
22 ‘ It 's good to get new blood as it gives us more spark . ’
23 These people here are very over-careful you know , they just like to cover every eventuality so they asked us all to ring our families even though there is n't a thing wrong … . ’
24 Eagan , Minnesota-based Cray Research Inc has introduced a new Y-MP M90 series of supercomputers , claiming that they offer the largest main memories ever , in the hope that they make it possible to solve important scientific and engineering problems that are too large for the memory of any existing computer system to handle efficiently .
25 Milton ward Tories were so impressed by his la-de-da-accent and gold-plated walking stick that they made him social secretary .
26 She is so slowed down by the dope slamming fifty visions of hell at her a second that she finds it hard to fight , hard to believe in her own anger , hard to believe in what she 's doing .
27 They did n't like the turkey so they threw it all away .
28 I , I take My Noble Friend 's point indeed , but I think nonetheless er that er I have to say that there is a degree that we put it this way of understanding of how the process works rather more informally than the manner in which my Noble Friend has put it .
29 His look as he glanced across at her resembled so much that of a shamefaced small boy that she found it hard to control a smile .
30 ‘ Most people are wrong most of the time , ’ he said , with such firmness that she slid him another look , surprised ; he was strong behind his gentleness and hesitancy , she thought — strong in a way that was n't common .
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