Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [pron] [verb] [pron] into " in BNC.

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1 This is the best record ever made ! ’ — the songs lack the bursting invention and variation of great pop/soul/jazz/harmonica gumbo or whatever to lift them into that category .
2 And of course he goes in and the horse drops in the far side of the wee barn , and er Old goes in with his dram and he dips it into the horse trough you ken , and he turns you ken with his regimental ,
3 She had started the second stage of labour when they carried her into the Rotunda and hurried her away into the labour ward .
4 Ace unfastened her safety harness and clutched the sides of her shaking couch as she pulled herself into a sitting position .
5 began the camp , there all around this er village and they took it into the er
6 ‘ When we played my school a bloke managed to wangle some dry ice from work and he dropped it into a bucketful of warm water .
7 Some female handed them a hypo-bulb and they sprayed it into Jezrael 's face , and there was a physical paralysis leadening her without physical pain .
8 He sighed with wry regret as he took her into his arms , tipping her face up to his .
9 He turned to meet the Doctor 's gaze as he righted himself into an undignified crouch .
10 One name caught his eye and he programmed it into the computer .
11 Gene Miles , who along with Dean Bell , has provided the solidity for Wigan to batter opponents into submission so often this season , explained the significance of the December get-together : ‘ The injuries were clearing at the time of the team meeting and we put everything into winning games around Christmas and New Year .
12 You had to bring someone into the business and they brought someone into the business and that was their form of selling .
13 ‘ I took her there for a last relaxing evening before we threw ourselves into the election campaign .
14 ‘ If you think I 'm standing waiting for a charging animal the size of a tank to reach me … how on earth do you grab its nose before it tramples you into the turf ?
15 Then he slipped into a deep sleep , and all at once the warm feeling of happiness deserted him and his stomach heaved as he recognised the same old nightmare returning : the walk along the jetty , the cruel hands dragging him to the edge , the utter helplessness as they lowered him into the icy water , the wave that broke over his head — and at last , that terrible choking sensation .
16 Her nipple was hard and swollen in Luke 's mouth , its hot stinging ache too much like pleasure , and she knew herself doubly degraded , by his kiss and by her own response to it , the pleading curve of her body as she pressed herself into his mouth a flagrant denial of the protest screaming in her mind .
17 Her mouth was open , but she did n't make a sound as he whirled her into the darkness .
18 She moaned his name and he swept her into his arms , moving through into the lamplit bedroom and undressing her quickly .
19 They influenced our BEHAVIOUR and they drew us into the realms of MYSTERY .
20 His hands were covered in sweat and he thrust them into his trouser pockets .
21 His mouth creaked into a smile as he bowed her into her lift and pressed the button for floor 19 : Le Club Zodiaque , top of the world !
22 Lizzie and Henry again looked at each other as they followed her into the room , and sat on the couch .
23 I climbed into my paper nightie and was helped on to a narrow trolley by a second Farrah Fawcett blow-up doll ( but punctured ) , then gazed adoringly up the nose of a Greek god as he wheeled me into an open lift and down to the basement operating theatre to a waiting : ‘ Hi , I 'm Andy , your anaesthesiologist . ’
24 But it is not their wish that I put myself into their shoes , rather than living free and wishing that for them also .
25 The slightest suspicion of trouble and we run them into An Dap so fast their yellow feet do n't touch the ground . "
26 Then , when I was eleven , he had a friend who owned a music store and he talked him into letting me work Saturdays .
27 She had worked for Pringle 's for years , and Vic was heavily dependent on her know-how while he eased himself into the job .
28 His mother was watching the weather forecast on television when he let himself into the house .
29 It may be because the juniors act independently with equal quantities of youthful enthusiasm and historical ignorance that they get themselves into situations that the dinosaurs have seen before .
30 This belief has lasted to the present day ; and , in revenge , we should round up all the people who made these awful hippy records and make them read old Charlatans interviews until they beg for mercy and we hurl them into a well filled with angry weasels .
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