Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [prep] [noun sg] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Well I agree with the honourable gentleman to this extent and that as he knows er we would scrap the self regulatory system and make the S I B responsible for er regulating er er the industry and in time merge it with a banking er regulatory body , er so that would answer that point er and I think that the S I B er could also be responsible for the enforcement of these matters .
2 A lawyer whose client committed murder while on bail says he 's opposed to a new law which could lead to more people being remanded in custody .
3 Labour when in office cut it by an average of 6.7 per cent .
4 It is the fear of an election that at present prevents them in many instances from disobeying their party whip .
5 The exception is , of course , in the pronouncement that shareholders have in effect surrendered their power to professional management , a pronouncement which does not so much face the central question of the rights of ownership as to try to pass it by .
6 This unique escorted walking tour combines the best ways to see Amsterdam , by foot and by boat using your Canal Bus Pass included in your Amsterdam Travel Service holiday .
7 The council would thereby be obliged to purchase the building and in theory repair it at ratepayers ' expense .
8 The government had not acknowledged their arrest but the team had heard rumours of the women 's whereabouts in a military camp and in fact found them there .
9 She raised her left hand to stroke his scarred cheek and on impulse kissed it again , saying , ‘ Oh , my love , my poor love ; you were hurt even more badly than I was . ’
10 Even now I am looking through the chapter on the ‘ law ’ again : the question of colonial robbery ( p. 62 ) , ‘ the alienation … of the surplus product from all pre-socialist forms ’ ( p. 62 ) , ‘ the taxation of private capitalist profit ’ ( p. 64 ) , the question of state loans ( pp. 64–65 ) , currency emission ( p. 65 ) , railway tariffs ( p. 70 ) , the monopoly of the banking system and the credit policy ( pp. 70–73 ) , home and foreign trade ( pp. 73–84 ) , the ‘ prices policy ’ ( sic pp. 84–89 ) , and so on and so forth , with further argument on the theme that socialism is fighting against capitalism and in order to win it must accumulate at the expense of the private economy — and the more the better — this is the entire content of the work .
11 He argues that , given our present state of ignorance regarding the classification of linguistic disorders , descriptive detail is necessary , both as a prelude to intervention and in order to increase our basic understanding of language development .
12 It might work at international level but at club level you need a hardworking manager with a good business head .
13 It was perhaps precisely because both sovereigns were well aware of the criticisms which might be made of their Court that in order to fulfil their public roles in accordance with the aims which they had set themselves , they worked to make of it a thing of great splendour .
14 ‘ The William S. Paley Collection ’ ( 28 February-16 May ) consists of eighty-four mainly intimate-scaled early modern works acquired by the late founder of CBS , and bequeathed to a foundation that in turn conveyed them to the Museum of Modern Art in New York , where Paley was chairman emeritus at the time of his death in 1990 .
15 George pointed wordlessly to an immense tank of water and with amusement showed me the system for telling the quantity of the contents .
16 So back we went to the station and with joy picked you all up and out we went to his refugee camp .
17 The principle of identity in Hinduism , Tillich maintains , finds expression in the prohibition of the killing of animals , which he relates also to the belief that in order to fulfil his karma a man may find himself reincarnated in animal form .
18 She was not sophisticated enough to hide her bewilderment and in order to cover her embarrassment the Contessa said quickly , ‘ They are like brother and sister , signora .
19 the , the chain sir the chain of logic and of course had it not been with one inter interposing there , had it not been for void restrictions , it would not have written , that 's when they were written , they were written only because of the restrictions that 's what enabled them to be written
20 Choice is the secret of Ten Bel 's success and at meal times you 'll find plenty of it .
21 Indeed , in so far as the law represents the embodiment of those rules deemed so important by society as to warrant setting them out formally with appropriate sanctions for non-observance , legal principles are the most important regulators of doctors ' decisions .
22 ’ Thus if the goods require anything to be done to them in order for them to be ready for delivery or in order to make them comply with the contract , they will not be in a deliverable state .
23 Thus we have the paradox that in order to give oneself over to believing in the fiction , one 's ‘ non-belief ’ has to be secured .
24 In the parable of the unjust steward , our Lord applauds the cleverness , astuteness and prudence of the unjust steward and in conclusion addresses his listeners , ‘ Use your worldly wealth to win friends for yourselves so that when money is a thing of the past you may be received into an eternal home ’ ( Luke 16:9 ) .
25 He predicted that in future the technique would be used to make subtle change to politicians ' facial features in print and on television to make them appear more attractive .
26 The PC magazine market needs a reasonably priced down to earth mag so I hope your circulation goes from strength to strength but on present showing there 's a lot to do to get it right , Andrew H.
27 Sometimes there is a hidden agenda which is more innocent where , for example , someone may question you about something in order to establish your credibility or in order to weigh you up .
28 While this series is not my responsibility , it seems to me that our interest could be more easily excited in trying to apply your ideas to video and computer software than in text describing them .
29 Soon after the embarrassing disclosure , the French ministry announced an inquiry into claims that Glaxo had placed numerous articles in the popular press and on television promoting its prescription-only migraine cure .
30 Occasionally a tax-gathering patrol would seize a man who had sown a catch-crop in the fertile north and in effect hold him to ransom until he paid up : that would be a temporary recognition of force majeure rather than an acceptance of permanent obligation .
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