Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [prep] [noun sg] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 However , these are often frustrated at branch level or by union officials in individual firms .
2 Competitor press releases and financial statements , for example , can be easily collected by the corporate legal or communications staff ; relevant government reports and filings can probably be acquired through the legal department or by company lobbyists at the state or national level ; the investor relations staff can get security analysts ' reports ; and so on .
3 Often , a graduate has to complete a year at college or at law school after taking a degree .
4 Gold appears either in its parent rock or in placer deposits in which the products of long periods of erosion are concentrated in the alluvium of existing river systems or buried under later sedimentary or igneous rocks .
5 Children born with Down 's Syndrome , a condition caused by a chromosome abnormality in which those affected show distinctive ‘ mongoloid ’ features from birth , provide one example ; others are cases where the handicap results from disturbances in metabolic or hormonal functioning or from brain damage at birth .
6 She has served as a student counsellor with the Education and Training Department and as deputy director of practice regulation she played a major role in setting up the new regulations for financial services business and audit .
7 The elegant plans , in indian ink on vellum , which he presented to his clients , showed his proposed alterations to the landscape , often with serpentine lakes whose ends were concealed in woodland , with single trees and clumps set in parkland and with tree belts around the boundary , often with a ‘ ride round the Improvements ’ winding through them .
8 In Japan there are negative correlations with per cent of research and with production involvement in design , which may relate to the tentative hypothesis offered about the negative correlations with technical success .
9 I had the strange feeling I was driving back in time , groping my way into a world of Inca and Chimú people , a world of great empires that built roads and temples and forts of mud on the coast and of cut stone in the Andes , stone that was dove-tailed to resist the trembling of its foundations when the earth quaked .
10 The purpose is not to reinforce egoism but to refocus awareness of the self .
11 In Germany , for instance , important unions initially grew out of the socialist political movement itself , but they failed to achieve recognition in heavy industry because of employer resistance to the whole idea of joint regulation of employment which was interpreted as a political challenge to employer power and authority .
12 The initial enthusiasm concerning longterm patency of these stents in malignancies , however , has diminished because of frequent obstruction because of tumour ingrowth through the metallic struts , or tumour overgrowth .
13 These results owe less to diversification of any kind than to capital gains in the market for corporate control .
14 It is difficult to sustain untruths and false masks over twelve months of contact in the field , particularly when this contact involves sharing private moments with respondents , such as those provided in the canteen or during the quiet hours of the might shift , tiding in the back of a vehicle or on security duty in the sanger ( guardpost ) .
15 Examples include redefining staff roles and moving from central management to decentralized management or from executive management to strategic management .
16 Medical research led the way in fostering the belief both in individual capacity and in community responsibility for it .
17 The spatial outcome of increasing socio-political polarization was an increase in the contrasts of wealth and of constituency voting between North and South , and between urban and rural areas .
18 I pay tribute to my hon. Friend the Minister of State for his sensitive and skilful handling of the Bill in Committee and to Opposition Members for their positive approach to many aspects of the Bill .
19 It was preceded by meetings of the IMF 's Interim Committee and of Finance Ministers from the Group of Seven ( G-7 ) industrialized countries and the Group of 24 ( G-24 ) developing countries .
20 Definite physical events in the universe and on Earth act as a non-random thrust towards improvement .
21 Now , with the Tokyo stockmarket 's Nikkei index down more than 23% from its December 29th peak , with the yen sliding against the dollar and with interest rates on the up , the mood has switched to fear .
22 Until his removal Aringo had spearheaded a campaign to reform the party , calling for fresh grassroots elections , the adoption of secret balloting and for opposition parties to be given time to organize properly .
23 In authorities where there are party groups it is almost universal practice for the group to meet before meetings of full council and for group decisions to be binding on members at full council meetings , although there is often ( but not always ) a more relaxed attitude to voting discipline in committees ( see Widdicombe , 1986 , vol. 1 , tables 2.3–2.6 ) .
24 The informatics graduate can expect to be at the forefront of the development of new software products and tools or to follow a career in developing technology applications for a range of areas — from industry to the public sector and from health care to agriculture .
25 There were calls for the splitting of the Bailiff 's combined functions , those of judge and of Deputy President of the island 's parliament , the Assembly of the States .
26 This is not an argument for cutting unemployment benefit but for government action in the form of reflation , job creation , job subsidies , or whatever .
27 Like the Urban Institute , founded in Washington in 1968 after racial riots across America , it thrived not on private philanthropy but on research contracts from the government .
28 Shares of Cirrus Logic Inc plunged 30% on heavy volume following the company 's disappointing fiscal fourth quarter figures ( CI No 2,158 ) : Cirrus reported earnings of 10 cents a share , and the mean estimate of seven analysts surveyed by First Call had put fourth-quarter earnings at 31 cents a share ; Cirrus said it experienced a decline in profitability because of demand fluctuations in the disk-drive industry , where inventories are high ; analysts said its earnings wo n't improve until the September quarter ; disk guru Jim Porter , president of Disk/Trend , said some of Cirrus ' earnings shortfall is likely coming from Conner Peripherals Inc , which also recently disappointed Wall Street with its own results , because the rest of the disk drive industry is still healthy ; analysts also told Reuter that Cirrus is facing tougher competition in disk controllers from Adaptec Inc , Milpitas , California .
29 Hickson is large enough to provide excellent support in terms of safety systems , effluent treatment , safety testing ( all aspects ) , corrosion testing , engineering expertise and in depth experience over a wide range of equipment and chemistry .
30 Not money well spent , and reflects badly on the credibility of their political coverage and on market research as a whole .
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