Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [adj] be the [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 A spokesman for the Sri Lankan government in London told Action that this is the first known attempt anywhere in the world to translate the values of the New World Information and Communication Order into a legal form on a national scale .
2 Plus , my friends would only end up nagging me about my weight and that was the last thing that I wanted . ’
3 He had a series of Sunday shows down there called the Bowie Show Boat and this was the second one .
4 It is certainly my hope that this is the last time we have heard of a Denning-type investigation .
5 She had only passed her driving test after her marriage and this was the first time that she had driven unaccompanied by night .
6 I write mainly for school course work and this was the first competition I entered . ’
7 Well that 's the second and that 's the third
8 A few seasons back she had a small show at the now defunct 49th Parallel gallery but this is the first time New Yorkers will get to see works by this figurative painter in any profusion .
9 Cookstown sprung into life after this and although they played some flowing football they just could not penetrate a resolute Ballymoney defence until that is the 40th minute when a bad blunder from the Ballymoney goalkeeper Merchant presented Alan Shaw with a simple tap in from only five yards .
10 The S.M.O. was of the opinion that this was the third , not second night , and that for twenty-four hours before he was knocked down the patch of consolidation had started forming in Bill Francis 's lung .
11 Such friendly matches should be useful training for the Scottish team and this is the first visit of its kind .
12 ‘ I was under pressure from my grandfather to become a teacher and that 's the last thing I wanted to be .
13 Amid the renewed glimmers of hope is the knowledge that this is the 19th attempt at a ceasefire .
14 I realized with a shock that this was the first time I had been really unhappy since I had been taken prisoner .
15 But at the next instant from the other side of the Residency echoed another , even greater , explosion and that was the last of Dr Dunstaple 's house .
16 It had been a very hot day and this was the first heat-stroke casualty .
17 And I think they 'd just been hounding him for a while and that was the last straw .
18 An estimated 1,600 rural workers and union leaders were reported to have been murdered in the Amazonian region over the last decade but this was the first time that any substantial landowner had been brought to trial .
19 Anthropologists , in turn , have attempted to argue that , for example , the transition from brideservice , in which labour is performed by the prospective groom , to bridewealth , where objects are given in exchange for the bride , marks a significant difference in the development of a phenomenon whereby objects may stand for human labour , with the implication that this is the first stage towards the conditions of property and alienation as we know them today ( Strathern 1985 ) .
20 Joan Gibbs says she really wanted a racehorse but could n't afford it and so she bought a greyhound and that 's the next best thing … it 's something of yours
21 Members of the royal family have visited Napier in the past but this was the first visit since the title ‘ Napier University ’ , was adopted .
22 It was one of the joys of life , and particularly she loved dancing tonight with Tony Radcliffe , because he was her oldest friend in the world and this was the first time she had seen him for eighteen months .
23 And that was last summer and that was the next summer and the girl , one of the gir the people that was in the car gets a letter
24 Athelstan had heard about the fellow but this was the first time he had met him .
25 At present we have no committed team , no leaders , and certainly no building , but we do have a clear conviction that this is the next step in church planting for us to take .
26 Before I go on to deal with the other submissions which have been made , particularly those by Mr. Clough , who appears for the local authority , to support his submission that the order was wrong on the merits , there is one further aspect of the justices ' order and that is the second ground of appeal where it is said that the justices ought to have given the parties the opportunity of addressing them on the question as to whether prohibited steps orders rather than an interim care order , or rather than no order at all , should or could be made .
27 Robyn found herself saying , ‘ So he went for a drive to let off some steam and that was the last … ’
28 I remind the House that this is the third year running in which , using the new pensioner premium structure introduced by the 1988 reforms , we have directed real extra support to those over pension age who are least well-off .
29 The centre of the discussion was the school curriculum ; and it was frequently observed at the time that this was the first occasion on which politicians or the public at large had concerned themselves with what had hitherto been a wholly professional matter .
30 The Commission , in setting the level of the fine , took into account , as it had with the shipping fine , the fact that this was the first time a fine had been imposed in this particular sector .
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