Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [verb] been [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 Legal systems suppliers have recently formed a trade association that has been welcomed in the profession to encourage liaison and co-ordination .
2 At the sixth congress , in 1986 , irate delegates rejected a ridiculously optimistic programme that had been drafted in secret by Le Duan , the then secretary-general .
3 By retaining the other elements of the plan of this block , the main entrance that had been created in 1959 could be maintained as the ‘ front door ’ with the bathroom/WC being reached from the adjacent entrance hall ( Fig 48 ) .
4 He sang a few bars of it in a lusty baritone that filled the darkness , and oddly enough dispelled some of the tension that had been growing in her .
5 The jungle birds fell silent in the growing heat , and Jacques Devraux eventually called a halt and distributed flasks of cold tea that had been carried in satchels by the Moi bearers .
6 To devise policies that directly lead to more positive and imaginative approaches , I am proposing that schools need to focus on two particular strands of educational research : first , the research that has been developed in relation to ‘ effective schools ’ , and second , the principles that underpin ‘ The Whole-School Approach to Special Educational Needs ’ .
7 This chapter will look at the different explanations that have been put forward for girls ' 'failure' in education , and at some of the research that has been done in this area .
8 The discovery that H pylori increases plasma gastrin concentrations raised the possibility that H pylori may be responsible for the known abnormalities of gastric acid secretion that have been described in patients with duodenal ulcers .
9 All the while she had been talking , she had been moving little by little to one side , her movements casual , and when she was exactly where she wanted to be she reached out and grasped , lifted , and swiftly jabbed the pitchfork that had been standing in the corner of the stall .
10 When I 'm running , I feel like I am a machine , like a new car that has been run in well .
11 Editor , — Paradoxical pain is a new and confusing term that has been defined in different ways .
12 Competition , as many writers have told us , is a term that has been used in innumerable senses .
13 Thus , from the late 1970s parts of Sheffield began , very rapidly , to experience that deterioration of the economic fabric that has been felt in other parts of the county of South Yorkshire for much longer ( Walker 1981 ) .
14 Here in the huge cathedral I was put in mind of all the oppression that had been put in motion with the words , ‘ You are all God 's children . ’
15 Basically , every compliment that has been chucked in Suede 's direction during the past ten minutes the band wholeheartedly , erm , agree with .
16 Bargains are available provided you can be sure that the animals come from good stock and have been kept in good condition .
17 Acarbose is a pseudotetrascaccharide and has been used in clinical trials with insulin dependent and non-insulin dependent diabetes to control hyperglycaemia , improve the diabetic metabolic condition , and , if possible , to reduce the insulin requirements .
18 Franco 's failure to assist them undoubtedly contributed to that result and had been calculated in political rather than exclusively military terms .
19 Hersh 's book attracted libel suits in the UK over its claims that the UK newspaper proprietor Robert Maxwell had close links with the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad and that he , together with a member of his Daily Mirror newspaper staff , had helped Mossad to track down Mordechai Vanunu , a nuclear technician who leaked details of Israel 's nuclear programme and had been imprisoned in Israel since 1986 [ see p. 35922 ] .
20 Proliferative abnormalities in normal looking colorectal mucosa are believed to represent an early phase of colorectal carcinogenesis and have been found in a number of conditions associated with a high risk for these malignancies .
21 The Roller , however , had developed some fault and had been left in the hands of the Grand Hotel 's garage mechanic .
22 The paradigm which is described originates from doctoral research into generic probation practice and has been presented in a book Adult Probation and Juvenile Supervision : Beyond the Care-Control Dilemma ( 1989 , Gower ) .
23 The dictum of Byles J. in Cooper v. Wandsworth Board of Works , 14 C.B.N.S. 180 , 194 , is clear to this effect and has been followed in many subsequent cases .
24 The bodies of 10 men and a woman had been found by a roadside with their hands ties behind their backs ; they bore signs of torture and had been shot in the head , a hallmark of right-wing paramilitary groups whose members included military personnel .
25 At least the powers are there in the statute and have been used in some cases .
26 Thereafter they were more widely spaced in both chronology and geography but have been recorded in 1817 – 18 , 1831 ( confined to Cornwall ) , 1847 ( again confined to Cornwall in England , though extensive in Scotland ) and final episodes in Devon in 1854 and 1867 .
27 The society now moved from the rather passive position of regretting ( as it did on 5 August 1789 ) that ‘ there was no appropriate educational establishment in England for the desired improvement of farriery ( in this context comprehending the medical treatment of horses , cattle and sheep ) by a regular education in that science on medical and anatomical principles ’ , to a positive position of recommending such an institution as had been established in France , Germany and elsewhere on the Continent , as being necessary in this country .
28 We can do the work by using photographs or drawings initially , but it 's often more exciting for the children to make the images themselves , perhaps later drawing what they have done in comic strip form , making their own comic based on the story that 's been created in the drama .
29 In 1949 , at the height of the Cold War , almost exactly ten years after the events themselves , the storm that had been brewing in Aragon 's mind since 1940 finally-burst , with the publication of Les Communistes .
30 The storm that had been circling in the distance wandered far off , only an occasional casual flicker of light low in the sky showed that somewhere the enormous battle was going on .
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