Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [verb] off at a " in BNC.

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1 after a swift , furtive glance at them , jumped the ditch on the other side of the lane and made off at a run over the fen .
2 It was Martin who took the reins and as he cried , ‘ Gee-up ! you there , you flibbertigibbet ! ’ the horse , as if recognising the voice , tossed its head and went off at a spanking pace down the road , and as they laughed , Harry said , ‘ Would you believe it !
3 with unusual curtness and drove off at a speed which suggested that Darren was about to enjoy a gratifyingly exciting ride .
4 ‘ Best be movin , ’ he said and they swung open the gate and set off at a jaunty pace back up the lane towards the main road .
5 Hrun slung the unconscious dragonlord over his shoulder and set off at a trot back to the arena .
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