Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [verb] [adv] at a " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Oh ! ’ he said , stopping the car and looking hurriedly at a map .
2 The research seeks to assess how much of the business guaranteed by government export credit agencies would be declined by the private sector or accepted only at a higher price .
3 There are few spatial experiences in this country to rank beside that sudden sideways shift from the masculine world of military triumphs and smiling shepherdesses on the Doric frieze of the Royal Fort 's entrance hall into the amazing feminine world of willow-pattern fantasy that swirls up at an angle in the great stairwell .
4 We 'll make a hypothetical traverse from Easter Island on the East Pacific Rise ( an oceanic ridge , remember ) right across South America as far as the Mid-Atlantic Ridge , so we 'll be starting at one plate margin , crossing a second and ending up at a third , each of them , of course , marked by a major belt of seismic activity [ see Fig. 2 ] .
5 We believe the special nature of this case suggests the decision should be taken out of the hands of the borough council and examined dispassionately at a public inquiry .
6 He did n't look at the boy but stared instead at a potted palm withering in its tub beside the grand piano on the rostrum .
7 after a swift , furtive glance at them , jumped the ditch on the other side of the lane and made off at a run over the fen .
8 I arrived just after dinner at night , so we were taken into the kitchen and sat down at a huge table on which were chicken legs , lamb chops , steak , dishes of three or four veg and told to help ourselves and did we !
9 SHOT AT during an armed hold-up , THREATENED by a violent drug gang and BEATEN UP at a party in posh Beverly Hills .
10 After leaving the letter in a drawer she had gone to a nearby town and booked in at a hotel .
11 With its twin staircases and end steps , a Dreadnought was capable of loading and unloading simultaneously at a terminus .
12 An editorial in The Lancet ( November 10 , 1990 ) entitled ‘ Who 's for tennis ? ’ but which could have just as easily been entitled ‘ Who 's for running ? ’ sums up the present state of the art and looks particularly at a new piece of research carried out on civil servants .
13 It was Martin who took the reins and as he cried , ‘ Gee-up ! you there , you flibbertigibbet ! ’ the horse , as if recognising the voice , tossed its head and went off at a spanking pace down the road , and as they laughed , Harry said , ‘ Would you believe it !
14 The German romantic desire to escape from conflict and to arrive back at a state of harmony and unity is one of the most important psychological motives behind European federalism , and it ignores the basic fact that politics is always messy , divided and unharmonious .
15 Presently the old lady came towards him , entered the shed and sniffed knowledgeably at a tin of weedkiller .
16 with unusual curtness and drove off at a speed which suggested that Darren was about to enjoy a gratifyingly exciting ride .
17 Moderator that works out at a contribution of seventy five pence per minute towards the actual cost of our operation of forty pounds and twenty three pence per minute .
18 The animal took no notice and clopped on at a steady plodding pace through the narrow turning .
19 ANY Scot who has ever sat in a drafty hall , feeling a mounting sense of doom while staring blankly at an exam paper has probably cursed Edinburgh-based Pillans & Wilson for collaborating in their misery by printing the question papers .
20 ‘ Best be movin , ’ he said and they swung open the gate and set off at a jaunty pace back up the lane towards the main road .
21 However , if I slacken the reins a fraction and state hard at an object in another direction , he is disconcerted .
22 All too soon , the finest rocky clough in the Dark Peak levels out at around the 1500 feet contour and falls back at an easy angle towards Shining Clough Moss and Bleaklow Head .
23 Essex were , for a time , in some trouble after Munton had claimed two wickets in as many balls but Gooch , still snuffling after his touch of ‘ flu and coming in at an unaccustomed No 5 position , thwarted the hat-trick ball .
24 At one stage he was travelling to the TV studios in London by bus and sleeping overnight at a rail station .
25 Hrun slung the unconscious dragonlord over his shoulder and set off at a trot back to the arena .
26 Sir Ralph ( he had been knighted by Margaret Thatcher in 1980 for raising money from commerce and industry to finance the activities of Conservative Central Office when in Opposition ) bought a coffee and sat down at a corner table .
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