Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] with [art] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 ( b ) Registered land You will be expected to collect the land or charge certificate together with the duly signed transfer .
2 Undoubtedly the ideal solutions would be ( I ) preservation of significant β-cell function by selectively suppressing immunological destruction permitting at least some degree of physiological glucose homeostasis or ( 2 ) a miniature insulin pump that would infuse insulin subcutaneously , regulated by a sensor indicating the tissue fluid glucose level together with a suitably programmed microprocessor system .
3 On a wind and rain lashed Rifle Park , Wray put the home side ahead with a well struck penalty into the wind .
4 Season generously with the freshly ground pepper , then serve with plenty of crusty French or Italian bread .
5 When this happens , meditation on the Passion of Christ is an obvious source of strength together with the constantly held realisation that it provides an opportunity to play the game of faith by which its reality is proved .
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