Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] and [vb base] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 You must then perform a small conjuring trick — holding all the layers of the picture firmly together , turn the frame and picture upside down and place on the table , then fix on the hardboard back .
2 While pulling down the ropes between the stalactites , crane your neck upwards and peer at the bolted lines of Jacky Godoffe 's grade eights , such as Autoportrait ( 8b+ ) .
3 Ginny managed to take off her coat , put the milk away and turn on the oven before he ran the pad to earth on the table beside his armchair .
4 Turn the frond over and look at the underside .
5 The right choice will give inspiration to choreographer and performer alike and add to the pleasure of the audience .
6 Pull the wing skin off and replace with the new .
7 IN MID-SUMMER , contemplating a day on the beach , Truronians will cast an eye skywards and decide on the instant whether to head for the north coast or the south .
8 For , as far as English rugby is concerned , these are the days of miracles and wonders , the days when England can turn out the finest team ever and cavort through the Five Nations championship as if it were a lap of honour .
9 The sort of dancing where you hold your body straight and move from the knees .
10 Everybody w looking but when my father and all was there , there was nine then so there was more so we had to go in th in that big room there and eat off the table there then .
11 Chop the dill cucumber thinly and add to the bowl .
12 ‘ When it comes to business I think it is important to get your head down and deal with the accountants and lawyers , ’ she says .
13 There 's a pretty powerful body of opinion that thinks Germany and Britain will link up one day soon and turn on the States .
14 Then get your mask up and get into the Accident Unit !
15 Prepare the day before and cook on the day .
16 He was surprised at himself for looking forward to her arrival and the hard , punishing exercises ; for feeling anxious , if her coming was delayed ; for hoping she would linger a minute afterwards and talk about the weather or some unusual flurry on the corridor .
17 But he 's got to do it on Access because there 's no money in the bank to write a cheque out and pay for the suit .
18 The FMLN regard the participation of the local population as a crucial element in the ideological war against the government , at the same time providing vital practical support now and experience for the future during the reconstruction period after their victory .
19 Turn the lamb over and sprinkle with the remaining herbs and another tablespoon of the oil .
20 If this happens , pull down on the mast hard and swim into the wind .
21 Whisk the egg lightly and stir into the other ingredients .
22 Whisk the egg lightly and stir into the other ingredients .
23 Use half the nuts to cover the base of the pastry case , spoon the syrup mixture over and cover with the remaining nuts .
24 When the drill point is just through , turn the mirror over and drill from the other side .
25 When I go abroad on holiday , I think : I 'm here for two weeks , I can either sit here fully dressed for a whole fortnight , or I can take my leg off and jump in the pool .
26 She cringed back from him , pressing herself against the stove , wondering if she could edge past and make for the door .
27 When you can feel a steady breeze on your back , pull the line gently and call to the helper to release .
28 If the Minister of State wants to see what that is like , she should go into the City tonight and look at the number of people who are sleeping in the cold because there is no accommodation for them .
29 Their layered structure and microscopic size 100 times smaller than a skin cell — enable the liposome to penetrate into the epidermis easily and integrate with the intercellular tissue .
30 If a now neglected painter was popular during his lifetime we must examine the reason why and look at the works again .
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