Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] the [noun] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And he got the sack so the firm came on strike .
2 In the later Vogue piece only the style remained as the far more overtly sexual , Kahloesque models lounged and pouted in their ‘ Mexican ’ interiors .
3 Does the right hon. Gentleman appreciate the tremendous fear felt throughout the Province as we face the Christmas period , bearing in mind both the warning given by the security forces of an impending IRA outrage near Christmas and the signal given by the nationalist community in the result of a by-election at Magherafelt today , where there was a 43 per cent .
4 Older texts are also reprinted in POPULAR EDITIONS ( popular = for ordinary people , generally for non-academic purposes , though in practice often the editions used on courses ) .
5 Doug Laughton 's outfit , with six men making their debuts , had battled into a 12-11 lead soon after half-time when the game exploded in their faces .
6 After that he 'd come down and hopped through a hole in the fence where the canal ran alongside some waste ground , and now he was staying off the streets as he made his way across town and toward home ground .
7 The moon does n't the earth goes round the sun so the moon goes round the earth .
8 She was actually Doris Clay , her tartiness only the variety adopted by certain barmaids who hoped to look just a little more glittering than real life .
9 Three fours eight , nine , ten queen high the pairs stuck at the end though dear .
10 Yes you could do but the point is the , it 's where a person injects , a drug addict always injects into a vein so therefore they get these pin marks over veins , not necessarily , the veins go between fingers and toes and wherever , but they go into a vein where the diabetic goes into the muscle , into the arms , round the stomach area or the thigh .
11 She lay in her bed , her eyes moving across the ceiling where the snow piled outside her window reflected vague purple-grey patterns into the room .
12 When every seat was taken the Foundling children filed to their places , filling the gallery where the organ stood like a turreted castle , girls on the left in snowy white , and darkly dressed boys on the right .
13 Some wonder why the bank stuck with Mr Parretti , even though his attempt to take over a French cinema chain in June 1990 was blocked on the grounds that it would ‘ threaten public order ’ .
14 Patricia Branca has reminded us that in the Victorian household where the man earned between £100 and £300 a year , an income range which excluded the highly skilled manual worker and included as many as 42 per cent of the middle class , there was only enough money available for the employment of one or at most two domestic servants and very little at all for the rest of the ‘ paraphernalia of gentility ’ desired by the aspiring middle class household .
15 Remember , it 's more likely that youngsters may turn to drugs if they come from a home where the adults appear to be dependent on legal drugs like tobacco or alcohol .
16 Animation is fair , but the scene where the dragon flies into a storm cloud and is electrocuted is positively brain-bending !
17 Wrote screenplay for The Public Enemy , based on his own novel Blood and Beer , including the scene where the character played by James Cagney pushes a grapefruit into the face of his girlfriend .
18 The beast can be seen very quickly ( thankfully ) in the scene where the Zeke crashes through the roof of the hangar and explodes .
19 A huge window filled the end of the corridor where the tunnel turned to the right , intersecting with the boarding hatch .
20 She was sitting hunched up on one of the two comfortable chairs in the cubby-hole where the staff went for their breaks .
21 This right does not arise under the SGA where the contract provides for delivery in more than one consignment , since there has been no breach in respect of goods not yet delivered , however reasonable it is for the buyer to fear that there will be in the future .
22 Junior Health Minister Baroness Cumberledge told a London news conference yesterday the report pointed to a levelling off of Aids cases among homosexuals and HIV infection was also slowing down among drug users .
23 The wader lived up to his name by conveying the mayor on his back as he waded into the Swale at the point where the boundary runs down the middle of the river .
24 I walked further along the edge of the sea , and came to a point where the shore steepened into cliffs and there were large colonies of gulls nesting .
25 If it aimed at the point where the insect appeared to be , it would miss .
26 We nipped along past college grounds , through glades of poplars , to the point where the river divides in two .
27 The Treaty of Adrianople of September 1829 went only a little further , transferring the northern shore of the Danube to Russian control from the point where the Pruth flowed into it .
28 Conventionally , we would expect people to borrow up to the point where the utility gained from the last pound borrowed is just equal to the cost of borrowing it .
29 Others , though , favour an even more radical change in the line-out laws — arguing in favour of the Japanese proposals which will allow the quick throw-in anywhere behind the point where the ball went into touch .
30 A few yards from the exit of Upper Long Churn Cave and at a lower level is the entrance to Lower Long Churn Cave ; this may also be safely explored , the gloom being diffused by daylight entering a fissure in the roof , to the point where the stream sinking in Upper Long Churn Cave enters in a waterfall after a short journey underground .
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