Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] that it [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Craig ran his hand through his hair so that it sprung into small curls giving him a rakish appearance .
2 The tears were moistening her hair so that it clung to her cheeks , and they did n't look like stopping .
3 A cool little breeze was blowing , and she shivered as it ran playfully over her heated skin and ruffled the long strands of her silvery hair so that it spilled like spun gold down her back , tangling with the lace .
4 He muttered something unrepeatable under his breath and wiped an exhausted hand upwards over his forehead , a distraught gesture which ruffled the short dark hair so that it stood on end .
5 Instead I put my head to one side so that it rested against the cold glass of the window , closed my eyes and let my mouth hang open a little .
6 Although there was a break in the snowfall , the wind still blew fiercely from the north , moaning round the house and whipping up the fallen snow so that it skimmed across the fields like fine powder , piling up in deep drifts where its progress was interrupted by hedgerows .
7 He shook his head , his hair catching the light so that it gleamed with a blue fire .
8 A 15 ml bolus of 0.1 N hydrochloric acid ( HCl ) was instilled into the oesophagus using the proximal port of the manometry catheter so that it arrived at cm above the lower oesophageal sphincter .
9 They walked like robots until Doyle yelled , ‘ Stop ! ’ with half his voice whirled away by the wind so that it came to them as a little thread of sound .
10 Graham 's ( 1972 ) analysis of the social processes leading to the US Comprehensive ( sic ) Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act , 1970 , considers how , through tough lobbying tactics and calling on good connections — especially in the House of Representatives — the pharmaceutical manufacturers were able to limit the discussion of amphetamine abuse so that it focused on that small minority of persons who inject it .
11 When the moon came up , a full moon that illuminated the wet stony surface of the Waste so that it shone like a polished shield , they were able to go more quickly amongst the dappled and striped shadows of the trees .
12 He tentatively twisted the chrome swivel-ball air-conditioning vent so that it pointed in his direction .
13 Around it Willie had added rain so that it appeared to be flying against a great wind .
14 He reached out and turned the lamp so that it shone onto her face , seating himself on the edge of the desk so that he could study her .
15 Harry bent down and with one hand lifted the gangplank so that it hung in mid-air .
16 He smeared the mud across his face , and then across his scalp so that it matted in his close-cut hair .
17 She made it sound French , pronouncing the word so that it rhymed with ‘ Vaseline ’ .
18 Almost wrenching off the fragile beaded jacket , and unfastening the strapless dress so that it plummeted to the floor , she grabbed the first garments she found — light pink cotton trousers and a grey and white striped cotton blouse — then forced her feet into flat leather sandals without stopping to undo and refasten the thin buckled straps .
19 He had raised his voice so that it carried through the babel of the many conversations at the high table , and even reached the nearest of the lesser knights below .
20 Mrs Palichuk sank onto a scarlet kitchen chair and eased off her drab grey winter coat so that it draped over the back , retaining , however , the black kerchief which modestly veiled her hair .
21 The kitten was cradled in her arms and she ran her fingers gently up and down its stomach so that it purred with delight .
22 " The custom of disguising reality so that it appeared to be perfect " had long been the tactic of the Franco regime .
23 She reached forward and overturned the plate so that it landed on his lap .
24 One is to telephone , or write to her beforehand , saying that things have been so hectic at your end recently that it seemed at one point that you might have to postpone your visit for a week or two , but that you are so keen to see her that you are absolutely determined to ‘ make it ’ somehow , even if it has to be just a ‘ flying visit ’ .
25 For its part , the Conservative Party , under the intellectual leadership of R. A. Butler , came to terms with the changes wrought by Labour from 1945–51 and adjusted to the new mood in the country so that it grudged towards state intervention in support of some kind of equality .
26 These three months were needed to draft the training pack so that it coordinated with the structure of the information drafts .
27 The fat was still warm in the pan so that it soaked into the bread like water into a sponge .
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