Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] [subord] i [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 My mum right when I put my make-up on in the morning my mum said oh erm she went to the phone box and she phoned up the specialist and they said so I 've got ta go .
2 So I would n't like to see any property developers take it , the club on because I think they 'd be purely after the ground , I , I 'd feel much better if the consortium with Ray at the head took it over because they are genuinely interested in Walsall and the Walsall people .
3 That would be loss enough if I watched him go with only longing for him in my heart but there is instead a bitterness because he is happy to go life there being preferable to here where there is only his tired wife for company .
4 It wo n't obstruct no light though because I told you the sun is more er , without the back it joins down the car
5 ‘ Walk your horse forward till I bid you halt , ’ ordered Owen .
6 I need money more than I need you .
7 I delayed switching the computer off while I racked my brain trying to think of some way of saving them , but there was none .
8 I 'm only putting the truth down as I see it .
9 ‘ I built the business up after I bought it but as the City went down everything else went down with it , ’ mourns Haddad , who spent £600,000 buying and refurbishing Le Gamin .
10 I will post to whole group again when I have something definite to say .
11 They say , ‘ Thank you for playing the hymn , you did n't mention my name so although I know you were n't playing it just for me , I felt as if you were ’ .
12 Herta kept her head down as I helped her off with her coat .
13 I think I 'd call it a day long before I found myself turning part of my humble dwelling into the bridge of the Starship Enterprise , but one thing is certain : I 'd have Julian Colbeck 's video series close at hand before boldly going forth !
14 It was a real drag to find them handcuffed behind my back just when I needed them most , I can tell you .
15 She 'd turn her head away when I kissed her .
16 ‘ He 's been a perfect gentleman ever since I met him .
17 But I 'm keeping my head up because I know there will be plenty of games after that .
18 But , failing that , you know , if yo if you 're going in town anyway I can write the ticket out cos I got one here
19 ’ BET YOUR bottom 's sore , ’ said a friend sympathetically when I described my six-day , 100-mile mule ride through the Sierra Nevada of southern Spain .
20 I do n't remember that name here before I know I know I know some of the faces alright .
21 It matters that I 'm there every week right when I said I would be . ’
22 I wanted to put a a morning on when I realised there was problems here just a morning an open morning which would of brought probably nine hundred thousand pounds into this building , in July I came in to try to see the Director of the playhouse I could n't go through the written way because I was waiting for exam date to come through .
23 Jamie must have taken a cigarette even though I knew he did n't smoke , because I saw the lighter go up , igniting in front of my eves in a shower of sparks like a fireworks display .
24 And anyway yesterday morning she said oh she said I 'm in luck today so I said what 's the matter then and she said .
25 I know I must finish clearing up the lawn , but , before doing so , I decide to telephone Auntie to come over on her bike even though I know it will take her an hour to get here from Hambledown .
26 I 'm gon na put that bugger on before I forget it again .
27 And some silly woman crashed her tray to the floor just as I made my second entrance — disgraceful ! ’
28 I 'm just going to pay a call anyway before I leave it to the very last .
29 I 'd kept it in the bottom of my bra-and-pants drawer ever since I stole it from Dad .
30 I have seized him by the hair of his head And shoved it into a bucket of water And I screwed his pistols up his arse A dam sight harder than I screwed his daughter ( Rum ti-iddle-ey etc ) .
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