Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] [v-ing] over [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But the smallest party on the council managed a creditible second in the general election which is giving them hope , especially with the spectre of the poll tax still hanging over the district
2 For a soldier he was casually , almost comfortably dressed , a heavy pullover and an old-fashioned thin tie just showing over the crew neck , pressed trousers and polished shoes .
3 The latest figures have added another dimension to the national debate now raging over the level of youth crime , social morality and Government plans to crackdown on offenders .
4 ‘ We have even had the force helicopter out flying over the ship and broadcasting the message to get off . ’
5 Our hotel , the Atlantico , overlooked the harbour , and that evening we watched a local single-engined plane repeatedly flying over the harbour as low as a couple of hundred feet above the cranes .
6 And the best defence against a new Davidic Messiah , advancing with his legions , would have been an established Messiah already presiding over the Empire — a pro-Pauline Messiah , who had effectively pre-empted the claims of Judaic rivals .
7 She listened to their stories of a red paralysis slowly expanding over the planet .
8 Then — a stroke of luck — she cut in front of a white family still cooing over the colour of the water , and managed to sling her bag into an arriving boat .
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