Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] [num] of [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 At present only two of the UK 's 11 National Parks are under independent control .
2 Usually in practice only one of the charges is preferred , i.e. loitering ( over a period of time ) or soliciting ( usually a verbal invitation ) .
3 Where the odour does not fall within that category it is still open to the local authority to reach informal agreement with the odour emitter , offering advice and assistance as to methods of abatement , or take formal action under one of the statutes discussed in Chapter 5 which may have the effect of controlling certain odour emissions indirectly .
4 Yet even if a shareholder were able to bring a derivative action under one of the exceptions to the rule in Foss v.
5 Professor Jim Jeffery , who has attempted over many years to disentangle the truth from the official statistics about the AGR series , estimates that the cost overrun on building just four of the stations ( Dungeness B , Hinkley Point B , Hartlepool and Heysham 1 ) amounts to over £6.5 billion ( at 1988 prices ) .
6 HMI pointed out that the arrangements for choice meant that by the mid-point of the third year , some youngsters had decided to discontinue study of a particular subject — at a point only three-fifths of the way through what was presumably a coherently planned five-year course .
7 At moments of great national importance perhaps three-quarters of the population will be watching the same event on screen ; indeed , internationally exciting events such as a lunar landing or the funeral of an assassinated president get world-wide instantaneous coverage .
8 A licence can only be refused when a ground of refusal under 5.17 of the Act is present .
9 It was consequently a memorable moment when one of the fellows employed on the prospecting knocked on the door and , when I answered , said excitedly , ‘ Tell sir we 've found it ! ’
10 And there were quite a large collection of police who stood in reserve up one of the side streets .
11 ‘ Audited accounts are in any event only one of the sources of information which a prudent banker takes into account .
12 We did n't pay any attention , but a minute later one of the waiters came up to the table in a hurry .
13 Fat Dick the sound man was peeing in the river last night when one of the Indians came up to him all agitated , making lots of gestures , sign language , sort of swimming with his hands and so on .
14 A recent survey showed that in a rural area only two-fifths of the child population between the ages of 6 and 14 was enrolled in school .
15 After a claim under one of the benefits ( a ) to ( c ) has been admitted and become payable , no further liability shall attach to the Insurer .
16 I said to Pete he went one Saturday morning , there was grass under one of the chairs !
17 Carolyn took it quickly and inserted her index finger under one of the flaps of folded-over , Sellotaped paper .
18 Things took a sudden twist at 88open last week when 19 of the consortium 's 23 full-time staffers apparently had their contracts terminated .
19 Things took a sudden twist at 88open last week when 19 of the consortium 's 23 full-time staffers reportedly had their contracts terminated .
20 In the past only two of the group 's nine divisions had an internal audit function ; now all of the nine divisions are subject to internal audit discipline .
21 ‘ I have a thing to tell you , ’ he said , finding Daalny frowning over the tuning of a rebec under one of the torches in the hall .
22 There 's loads of rubbish around — cardboard boxes and paper and stuff , and there 's this man under one of the lights , blowing into a mouth organ thing .
23 That possibility might arise if a plaintiff were at liberty to make a claim against a number of defendants with the sole object of ousting the jurisdiction of the courts of the state where one of the defendants is domiciled .
24 Tap Right with the Scroll Lock ON to scroll right 1/3 Of a window at a time
25 According to our preferred model only two-thirds of the vacancies are acceptable to teenage men .
26 A solitary figure standing there in a trench coat under one of the street lamps ?
27 When news of the accident got out the hospital where sixteen of the children were being treated was flooded with calls from anxious parents .
28 Do you think that 's the reason why eighty of the people
29 It happened in December inside the Swindon Crown Court Complex , where a custody case over 2 of the victim 's 4 children was about to resume .
30 This algorithm assumes that for each sentence position only one of the candidates is correct ( this condition generally holds , except in cases where the correct word is missing from the list of candidates ) .
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