Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] [vb past] to [be] a " in BNC.

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1 The auto industry just happened to be a convenient sector in which to show his determination to change ( Doner , 1987 ; Oman , 1989 : pp. 164–166 ) .
2 The core of their problem was that such a device necessarily had to be a computer and a powerful one .
3 This the court now held to be a valid return , although a general one , and , since it did not disclose on its face any irregularity or wrongful cause , it precluded the intervention of the courts .
4 By chance there happened to be a 12 year-old MkII Boogie combo in the Guitarist studio with just such a loop .
5 During the election campaign the party had asserted that the advanced welfare state was safe in its hands , but this promise quickly appeared to be a less than certain guarantee of the continuation of welfare programmes which in some cases had been in effect since the 1930s .
6 No one attempted to rebuild it , and the house soon reverted to being a farmhouse , as which it appeared in the film of Thomas Hardy 's Far from the Madding Crowd .
7 But with more declaration of the law by the pope there came to be a demand , particularly among judges and scholars , for compendiums or collections of these decisions , for the canon law was , like English common law , a case law or law built upon precedent .
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