Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] [coord] [verb] up [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Throw your Augustus Hare away and pick up your receiver ; Venice is to be wired for sound .
2 The little devil will tear the bars of his cage apart and shoot up your trouser leg with his teeth bared before you can say , ‘ Only joking , Hammy ! ’
3 Nails was generally asleep not long after ten , preferring to get up when the sun did , take Firelight out and clean up her stable and do his running practice before going home for breakfast .
4 Just pull his shirt out and mess up his hair a little , and his friends would be happy .
5 Maybe he was putting the receiver down and picking up his pen to write a quick note instead , handing it to his secretary to pop in the post , saying ‘ Mind you do n't forget that one , it 's rather urgent . ’
6 She set her cup aside and picked up her knitting again .
7 He talked to Tuathal and then to the toisechs as he put on his mail shirt again and took up his helmet .
8 Garry shrugged her arm off and picked up his crash helmet .
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