Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adj] [conj] [pron] [verb] you " in BNC.

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1 Was Amy a bit upset when she knew you got highly commended ?
2 Despite it all , though , you may end up looking a bit foolish if you find you 've been barking up the wrong tree .
3 I ca n't , unless it 's just the light 's a bit funny or what have you
4 There are now many kinds of help available if you think you have a drug problem .
5 Nose first As you improve you can develop this landing by lifting the back foot under the buttocks in flight .
6 I 'll have to take my coat before I go in because if it 's a bit smoky or what have you
7 There seems to be something amiss with DR DOS 6 if it allows you to produce protected files in this way .
8 That 's a bit extreme but it gives you the idea .
9 Because you know what he 's like when he gets talking , he talks so much he just cuts all your hair off Ye yeah it 's all cut on the sides and cos , cos they 're all taught to finger dry and what have you , he does all this and what have you .
10 And eh , Simon got all the mud all and he said you know when I was young , we were ahead of the , but now we 're well behind
11 ‘ I got a bit worried when I found you 'd been sending your subordinates out to buy crucifixes . ’
12 it 's a little bit disconcerting when they forget you 're there , and erm
13 Robins interrupted my thoughts by saying , ‘ Sorry about the word ‘ posh ’ , but I 'd heard before we left Sanderstown the last time that a young man had been appointed assistant to Doctor Reid , and I was a bit surprised when I met you .
14 Section er , I was very surprised indeed that er Hilary asking for a review of the service because in fact all one 's experience and I am sure as well tells us that this is a success story , it is something that petition after petition that we 've asking to keep it that way , shows that it is one of the services that the County provides which is very much appreciated by the recipients and we ca n't say that in all County Councils ' services but you can say it about er the section seventeen and I think you ought to acknowledge that Chairman .
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