Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adj] [noun] [vb mod] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But constructing a plot for a crime short story can on occasion be as demanding as constructing a plot for a whole crime novel .
2 In the course of forensic argument distorted syllogisms will of course be urged upon those who judge .
3 If you had the inner relief road those figures would in fact therefore change quite dramatically in the same way that the A sixty one figures have changed .
4 The pressure dependent instruments should of course be scanned , but they should not be relied upon to give accurate indication of instantaneous values or rates of change except during stable flight .
5 When I suggest to Hopkins that many abductees could in fact be drawing on repressed memories of childhood sexual abuse and , as a result of bad hypnosis , end up believing mistakenly that they were messed around with by aliens instead , he agrees it 's a possibility , but then argues that some cases of childhood sexual abuse may in fact be alien abductions .
6 However the tendency to crystallize is there and given time some glasses will in fact crystallize .
7 Class III stations could in fact exhibit a great diversity of style and size , while many a class IV , like that at Shumikha , could seem little different in scale .
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