Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] out and [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Well that 's why I did it because I do n't often get the opportunity to go out and enjoy myself like that .
2 But the gang found out and followed him here .
3 Yes , thallium you old berk , thallium , the heavy metal poison that makes your hair fall out and gives you diarrhoea and you die screaming .
4 P : I was coming home from a party with Robert Mitchum drinking cider when one of Shane 's gang came out and stabbed me in the arm … ( goes on for about ten more pages — Freudian Ed )
5 We went to another call and like these were upper class and this young constable got out and told them to fuck away off .
6 And when the silly girl found out and rejected him he raped her for her pains .
7 Junior runs towards the Scum dug out and kisses his da ’ , HEAVEN .
8 And when the colporteur started to preach Jesus in that temple courtyard the lady ran out and embraced him , delighted to find a fellow believer in that unexpected place .
9 But if your repertoire includes standards like Wo n't Get Fooled Again , Substitute , and My Generation , it must be galling to be made to justify your desire to go out and play them .
10 ‘ But the squire found out and chopped his sister 's head off , which made her change into a baby rabbit .
11 When Teacher came out and rang his bell for the children to line up in neat rows , she held Frankie back so that he was the last to obey the signal .
12 Then the luxury of the place reached out and embraced her .
13 O.K. , not , but for Christ 's sake go out and enjoy yourself , my dear .
14 She 's the forth business to move out and claims there has n't been enough promotion of the site .
15 A coupling rein broke loose and thinking that the coach was about to crash , the plaintiff jumped out and broke his leg .
16 Oh , very often my wife goes out and digs one up on Christmas Eve and that has happened regular .
17 Their husbands think that it is natural for a wife to go out and flaunt her husband 's prosperity and her family 's worth — that is their tiny horizon .
18 Unlike them , he does have the chance to come out and lead his troops in person , purging any doubts about his leadership with the sheer , naked courage of his performance .
19 We should not only lose , against eight times our numbers , but we might well tempt the Forteviot garrison to come out and rescue us , and the fort would be taken . ’
20 When the press of grey on either side became too much the motorway fizzled out and abandoned them to the early-evening commuter jam of the North Circular Road .
21 She flicked him a perfunctory smile , seeing the mockery lingering in his dark eyes in a way that made her itch to reach out and slap him .
22 Rosa looked at the weapon piercing the heart of the Mother of God , around which her finely carved wooden hands , so lithe and brown they too might one day reach out and clasp hers , fluttered as if poised either to grasp it and draw it from her or plunge it in deeper .
23 A man in the cab leaned out and shouted something at her as the fire engine churned past , but she could n't hear what .
24 In popular mythology poisonous snakes are always ready and waiting for the chance to strike out and kill their attackers .
25 Robbie had to fight down an impulse to reach out and run her fingers over the dark mat .
26 The front-seat passenger leapt out and slashed him across the neck .
27 I 'd built up a picture of you , like the one my father cut out and gave me , but it 's nothing like you , Dimitri .
28 ‘ I have a tremendous fundamental urge to get out and make my way in the world .
29 In the city one morning , as he turned the corner of the street into the shade of the acacias on the main boulevard , a woman ran out and plucked him by the sleeve , pulled him into a doorway and snatched his hand to kiss it .
30 Tosh also revealed how once when he was selling a magazine for the homeless at Charing Cross station Diana drew up in her car and a man got out and gave him £5 .
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