Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] been [prep] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Short 's preparation has been under way for six months and has been intensive .
2 A key link with the mainland , the Larne-Stranraer route has been in existence for almost 130 years and has become an integral part of Ulster 's maritime heritage .
3 The police national computer has been in operation since 1974 .
4 A covering loop ileostomy was eelectively omitted in low risk cases until September 1988 , since then a clinical trial has been in progress in which patients were randomised to receive either an ileostomy or no ileostomy .
5 Robert Smith , defending , said : ‘ This is a very serious state of affairs , not least because the defendant has been in custody for at least 12 months .
6 This car has been in use since Easter and has been enthusiastically praised by the people , mainly volunteers , who have been staffing it .
7 The combined numbers of these three are perhaps 100 or 200 at the most , although an urgent conservation programme has been under way since 1980 .
8 The WISE Vehicle Programme has been in operation for many years now , following the launch of the original WISE I bus in WISE Year 1984 .
9 Thomas 's mind has been in turmoil for a long time since that rejection .
10 In ‘ culture studies ’ , and quickly entering the more proper sociological study of culture , talk has been of modernity versus postmodernity , of modernism versus postmodernism .
11 But an effective dragnet takes time — and in Brazil 's case even longer since the tax-collecting department has been in shambles since Mr Collor 's days .
12 The trade balance of the motor industry has been in deficit since 1982 and in 1989 , at £6.55 billion , accounted for 28 per cent of the UK visible trade deficit of £23.1 billion .
13 In LEAs where a scheme of delegation has been in place over a period of years , the question of making more money soon arises .
14 Mrs Tansley says it is over 58 years since she made her debut in opera and she never did any more , though she is well known in villages in the Guisborough area where her talent has been in demand at concerts .
15 However , where a discriminatory practice has been in operation for some time it may be easier for the Commission for Racial Equality to produce evidence in support of an allegation .
16 The Mid Glamorgan Education Business Partnership has been in operation since 1989 .
17 Braintree Concerts Music Club has been in existence for 22 years , but is looking for new ways to promote itself following the decision by the district council to withdraw its grant .
18 The Young England Rugby Club has been in existence for two years but is now being relaunched as a major part of the RFU youth initiative with its own clear aims and ambitions .
19 Detective Superintendent Michael Walsh said yesterday : ‘ The Jockey Club has been in touch with the force , and further discussions will be taking place .
20 ‘ I was angry and upset to read that somebody connected with the club had been in contact with Steve Coppell .
21 Crosby blew his top after learning of the Coppell link and said yesterday : ‘ I was angry and upset to read somebody connected with the club had been in contact with Steve Coppell .
22 And Widnes general manager Frank Myler , insisted that no club had been in contact regarding a possible move by Davies from Naughton Park .
23 The programme had been under way for some time , studying liquid-liquid reactions with disappointing results .
24 It was suggested that one of the reasons for this was that his main work as an advocate had been on behalf of trade unions , and on one occasion he had walked out of the National Industrial Relations Court in protest at the judge .
25 At the same time a change in the industrial mix had been in progress with traditional energy intensive industries in decline and service-based , high technology industries on the increase .
26 The Wackersdorf reprocessing complex had been under construction for seven years behind barricades .
27 The future of the Swiss nuclear industry had been in doubt for a number of years , particularly since the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster in the Soviet Union [ see pp.34460-62 ] , and in 1988 the government had halted plans to build a nuclear power station at Kaiseraugst near Basel [ see p. 36499 ] .
28 The formation of a Franco-German military force had been under discussion for several years , and a 4,000-strong brigade had been agreed in principle in November 1987 [ see p. 35665 ; 35913 ] and started operations in October 1990 [ see p. 38473 ] .
29 In view of the conclusion which their Lordships have reached , namely , that the defendant 's conviction should be quashed and that it must be for the Court of Appeal in Jamaica to say whether a new trial should be ordered , their Lordships consider that it is unnecessary , and indeed undesirable in the interests of justice , to examine the rival contentions and the facts to which they relate with the same particularity as their Lordships would have felt bound to do if their recommendation had been in favour of dismissing the appeal .
30 Forces opposed to the President had been in control of much of the country for several months [ see pp. 37702-03 ; 37767-68 ; 37844-45 ] , with the central government 's authority largely confined to the area around the capital .
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