Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] by [det] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In the ordinary case , the law applicable to a decision made by such a body is the general law of the land .
2 I suspect this preference of Apistogrammas ( and many other cichlids ) for flowerpots is the security offered by such a container .
3 A covering letter also expresses concern that a government agency had shipped 500 litres of plutonium nitrate through the Minch recently and that the pollution caused by such a cargo would be much worse than the 85,000 tonnes of light oil spilt by the Braer off Shetland .
4 Nationalisation ( in effect , confiscation ) of overseas interests is not unknown , despite the bad feeling generated by such a measure .
5 It must be truly wonderful to walk through life guarded by such a shield .
6 If the drawee were , for example , a bank , then a bill accepted by such a bank would be more marketable , i.e. more liquid .
7 Lovage and angelica are two tall , statuesque species with handsome leaves and flowerheads , needing the space provided by such a border .
8 The marriage of a person who has been judicially declared insane is totally void , and the same is said to be true of any disposition of property made by such a person .
9 From the information generated by such a system , it is possible to discover weaknesses , to identify past trends and to make realistic forecasts of the consequences of future decisions .
10 As a rule of thumb , if the growth rate in industrial economies falls by one percentage point , the export growth of all developing countries will be I h points lower , and their GNP growth cut by half a point .
11 The sense of injustice created by such a system would inevitably work against its deterrent effectiveness ( Beccaria always acknowledged the importance of consent in producing compliance ; it is difficult to imagine how his version of the social contract would have allowed such a system to operate ) .
12 The problem created by such a feature , however , is one of excessive turbulence in the pool below .
13 The policy shall not by virtue of subsection ( 3 ) ( a ) above , be required to cover ( a ) liability in respect of the death , arising out of and in the course of his employment , of a person in the employment of a person insured by the policy or of bodily injury sustained by such a person arising out of and in the course of his employment ; or other such matters .
14 The holders ' decision as to whether to convert the debt will take into account the interest forgone by such a decision .
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