Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] at each [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The shores rang to the sound of his skates against the ice , a resonant hollow warble drawn at each stride from the depths of the lake .
2 The noise in the taproom stilled for a moment , even the farmers in the corner drunkenly arguing about the price of wheat ; two harridans from the town shrieking at each other over an upturned barrel ; and a group of young bloods , garishly dressed in costly silks , noisily roistering before a night out on the town .
3 A proportional tax levied at each date on consumption plus wealth transfers would therefore have the same base as a tax on lifetime income : and the same would not be true of a tax on current income ( ) , where A denotes assets held .
4 ‘ We 'll have the pair of you spending the day waving at each other from railway trains at this rate .
5 In the absence of any added protein , strand breakage occurs at each position with approximately the same efficiency ( Fig. 4 , lanes 2 and 7 ) .
6 Child and woman looked at each other with the same wonder and wariness , attracted and afraid .
7 No bomb was found after a search of the ground with tracker dogs and when the game eventually started over a hour late , both teams , level at 1–1 after the first leg went at each other in an explosive start .
8 For example , the following program looks at each character in a string and checks that it is a valid hexadecimal numeric character .
9 The boot comprised a squared box covered in thick leather bound at each end with iron , measuring about two and a half feet in length and four inches square at the ends .
10 With a lot at stake for both sides the game began at a frantic pace with a goal arriving at each end in the first ten minutes .
11 For analysis of receptor numbers and affinity cells were incubated with increasing amounts of 1 2 5 I-EGF ( 30–4000 fmoles ) for 2.5 hours , and non-specific binding determined at each point by inclusion of a 1–2 µg/ml of unlabelled EGF in replicate cultures .
12 The positions of the flux points at each stage of the reversal are shown schematically in Fig. 2 a .
13 VAT is a general sales tax which applies to the value added at each stage in the production chain with its formal incidence being on consumers , as the tax is included in the sales price at each ‘ intermediate ’ stage .
14 If you 're working alone one way of dealing with it is for the class to look at each side in turn : they can all play the townspeople who want to join the survey team , and then all play those who do n't want the railway to come through the town .
15 They walked up to a large wooden table covered at each end with a pile of books .
16 THE PARENTS of a bride and groom glared at each other across a courtroom yesterday — in an amazing dust-up over the bill for their wedding reception .
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