Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] for [det] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Conditions could be imposed on the planning permission which would overrule the general permission given for such a change in use by the Use Classes Order ( Class 11 is ‘ use as an office for any purpose ’ ) .
2 The specific term used for such an exercise is ‘ one-step semi-free sparring ’ .
3 The second exception is where an agent receives a commission or discount from a third party and it is the usual practice of the business in which the agent operates for such a commission or discount to be paid .
4 The Economic Advisory Section in the Corporate Planning Department works for all the Post Office Businesses , analysing commercial issues .
5 There was concern that the hydrophonic amplification equipment needed for such a rescue operation was not available .
6 The Department is well supplied with the full range of equipment required for all the courses offered , from introductory courses in S1 to CSYS courses in S6 .
7 The first Tay Bridge showed up the lack of expertise and foresight required for such a structure , no wind tunnels or sophisticated testing were available to the engineers in the late 1870s .
8 Pregnancy is acceptable , but should a woman lose her baby she will lose her right to apply for such a post .
9 Last post sounded for half the army 's bands
10 He came to understand the need to settle for half a loaf rather than nothing at all ; he recognized the need to negotiate with legislators while he also discovered how to bring them into line by going over their heads to the people .
11 The crisis posed for such a pacifism by the Great War was twofold .
12 There is often a very high service charge to pay for all the administration , maintenance services — such as cleaning of communal areas and gardening — and , of course , the wardens .
13 This visits period lasted for half a term , although for some subject departments it was completed during four weeks .
14 We can just as readily conclude that there is just one type of latent inhibition ; that the change induced by exposure to the stimulus always tends to dissipate during the exposure — test interval ; and that the size of the interval required for such a loss of latent inhibition to become apparent grows longer as the strength of the effect induced by the initial exposure phase is increased .
15 He left the set that day looking for all the world like a nine-stone weakling who had just thrown sand in the face of the beach bully .
16 The sauce , a mixture of many ingredients , was poured over the snails and the whole simmered for half an house .
17 However , some feel that these costs are now too high too often and that the breakdown of a carer , which then precipitates admission to care , is a tragic price to pay for such a choice on the part of the old person .
18 The point to bear in mind is that all that glisters is not gold , and there has been a price to pay for all the splendour .
19 ‘ I can show you an excellent view of the town , ’ he pressed , his smile dipping for all the world as if he would take it as a personal tragedy if she refused .
20 Enjoy a new film premier every day , and great blockbuster hits for all the family .
21 Fortunately experience had taught the Alliance to prepare for such an eventuality , and they had standby arrangements for distribution and press coverage which were brought into operation .
22 The want felt for such an organization for the promotion of their intellectual , social , moral , temporal and spiritual welfare is very great ; there is a wide field of usefulness for the proposed union .
23 Einstein spent the later years of his life looking for such a theory .
24 In Britain , popular and media objections to the State paying for all the repairs to the fabric of Windsor castle , severely damaged by fire only a few days before the Hofburg , continued into December .
26 These setting can be used as the default setting for all the paragraphs of the document or to alter the characteristics of an individual paragraph .
27 As there is a great deal of pressure on our subsequent debate , I shall allow questions on the statement to continue for half an hour , until 4.20 pm , but we must then move on .
28 The above explanation holds for all the verbs of perception .
29 Discover the dramatic scenery of the Yorkshire Dales on a guided walk designed for all the family to enjoy — it 's part of a series of family walks organised by the national park called Going Places .
30 The scenes in solitary are especially well depicted , as the prisoners react to a shrill whistle when it is feeding time , but Schaffner 's tone , like McQueen 's personality , lacks the austerity needed for such a subject .
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